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Cat Behavior Problems - What You Should Know

27 12:15:48
The modern lifestyle of today has brought new possibilities for many animal lovers to achieve the role of being responsible cat owners. However, the path of responsible pet rearing is not as simple as it may seem. This is because in the course of your pet ownership, you will come across several cat behavior problems that you may find too challenging to deal with. This may actually be surprising for some because they dont know that behind the cats cuddly image and harmless demeanor, they can turn into the one of the most temperamental creatures theyve ever seen.

These cat behavior problems manifest because despite the fact that they really are pets, they still possess their own minds and have their own feelings. These cat behavior problems are usually triggered because of your cats usual habits or an immediate event that your pet dislikes. Here are some usual cat behavior problems and what to do with it.

One of the most common cat behavior problems is the cat's being either overly aggressive or overly shy to the point that the cat refuses to do anything with anyone. In the case of excessive energy or aggression, such unwanted cat behavior problems can be fixed by means of training your cat to channel its aggression on to other harmless things.

Going out and purchasing a scratch pad or ball of yarn might be a good idea in that your cat will be able to release his or her energy in the process of playing rather than damaging your belongings or possessions. On the other hand, behavioral problems in your cat that involve your cat being overly shy may be fixed by training your cat to overcome his or her inhibitions.

Extreme Shyness of cats- Some cats have a case of extreme awkwardness whenever they are in the company of people it does not know. This aloofness is observable when in the presence of visitors it doesnt recognize. The reason for this is that some cats are not comfortable to be around things or people that are not familiar to them. However, with some exposure training it can get over this kind of behavior problem.

Potty Training Perhaps the most challenging cat behavior problems you may encounter involves putting the litter in the litter box. In some cases, cats can be observed to be littering just about anywhere. And of course nobody enjoys the strong smell that emanates from cat dung. But if you look closely, the cats usually litter on the same spot or area. This means that this bad habit, like any other cat behavior problems is treatable. Sometimes this is caused by the cat owner not situating a proper and comfortable litter area. .

The above mentioned cat behavioral problems are only some of the ones any cat owner is bound to encounter, and the ways cited through which said problems can be countered may or may not be successful. It is important to remember that all cat behavioral problems are relative and should be handled on a case to case basis. Not all cats are the same and this goes for the treatment of their cat behavior problems also.