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Feng Shui Products Keep It Neat & Clean

27 18:12:10
More than one new homeowner has made the fateful decision of purchasing a property without considering the vital roles that the direction of the house plays. The science of Feng Shui teaches that its not only the people who live in the home , how they keep it clean , neat and uncluttered that count. It is also how they channel and focus both the good as well as vital Chi elements that emanate from their real estate while minimizing and channeling away all bad end even evil effects and affects

Less chaos ,confusion and disorder in your life by simply taking the time to clean up and put things away the better for the mazel that you will encounter in your lifetime. Still if you purchased your home and the lot is located on a steep slope then it's a case of lots of luck. Its better if you would of stayed in bed for the rest of your lifetime. If it's a matter of that you think that you have made the decision that your home is well chosen for karma then go for it. Its like a car that you have put major repairs in - you have sunk costs. Do you continue to pay where you are and put up with that UV light home filtration upgrade on your visa card , or do you bite the bullet and move to a more Feng Shui friendly property or properties.

It all starts with simplicity. If you just hate to clean and put items in their places - do the salami method. The "Salami" method of organizational behavior is to take the whole task - or in the example a meat salami - and chop it into pieces. Work your workload by completing small task , one at a time, over an extended period of time. Many department and supermarkets will offer specials in their newspaper fliers and online of products to reduce clutter and to store your effects in. You can include outside sheds from a hardware store in this category. Hopefully they will be on a sale or discounted price. If the plastic bins are on roll away stacking unit and you have the space and locations for these, great. Put and reduce unnecessary components as possible. After all its not as if you were put on earth to impress others with your possessions , whether you do it in a noveau riche avant manner or in what you consider to be a smarter ( at least in your mind) understated way , thinking that will impress others greatly. You are what you are. A person can never sit down and plan "What kind of a person that I would like to be in the next 2 years" , as if they were starting or stopping a bus or their home furnace. Fitting plastic or even wooden storage cartons with clipping lids can always be counted on to reduce visible disorder. Shelving is next in line. Assuming you have the space for upright shelving, and have a young handyman or tradesperson to assemble the units these can fit the bill as well.

Remember too much junk is just foolish and bad luck on top of that. If you are a renter to you want to get evicted from your residence or apartment. If you have used the item or items , for good purpose in a good time period - then get rid of it. Some people , lord knows why , or "hoarders". According to some psychiatrists this practice is pathological and rests on the personalities involved having few real friends in life. Their hoarded ,unused possessions become their only true friends in life. How sad. The items in cold storage could be used by good purpose by some other people or families. Perhaps the hoarder should get on with their life. Rather than all of this foolhardy measures a pet cat or dog might make all the difference in their lives? If you don't use the appliance or possession on a regular or ongoing basis perhaps you should donate it to Goodwill or Value Village where some schmendrick on a Tuesday senior's day discount event may well take it and forever store it in their basement dwelling beside their furnace with its UV light filtration system. Better them than you you might say. Chaos and disorder is like compound interest - it has great powers and ability to grow and fester. Don't stand in the way of "CHI" as it flows and weaves around you instilling in your life and personality good luck and better fortune. Just like with wireless wi fi internet heavy objects - closed metal doors, heavy office metal filing cabinets all shield us away from Chi's heavenly goodness. Block the flow of "Chi" and no doubt you, your family and acquaintances will certainly pay the price. If not now then "Chi" valuations and discounts will come back to bite you in the future. In a person's lifetime in most cases it can be said that often their problems are of their own making. We are the masters of our own existence. Many experts in the field will state that often it all comes to down to basics and common sense. However common sense is often uncommonly found.

Lastly one area of the home, that followers of Feng Shui and its principles often forget is the garage or "storage shed "areas. Take the time and effort to preserve the vital flows of Feng Shui powers in these areas as well.