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Common Behaviors Of Cats And What They Mean

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It always feels good to know you have the most wonderful kitty waiting for you at home. Even if it were only days or decades, perhaps you have become aware of a cat's behavior. Cats have their own strange acts. Some cat owners consider it perplexing when they see their cat acting in a different way. The problem is some people cannot understand their pet's behavior and this, later on, results to problems in keeping their cat healthy and happy. Though a cat's actions can be baffling at times, there are methods in which you can unlock the mysteries of common feline acts.

You may have noticed your cat pushing an object (e.g., TV stand, stool, sofa) or a person. The cat will, then, rub its head on the individual or object. You may observe this cat behavior done on somebody with cat allergies or those who own other animals. The cat pushes and rubs so that it can put a touch of saliva on the individual or object. Once it does this, that means that individual or thing is marked as its possession. For someone new to your house or for those who do not like cats, this action of the cat can be rather exasperating. The person or thing may appear odd for the kitty because it is new to its perspective and so it marks the person or thing as its possession.

For the feline, it serves it well to do this pushing and rubbing behavior. There are people, however, who have pet peeves or who have cat allergies. They may feel this cat behavior irksome and try to get rid of the saliva off them. There may be times when they will be successful. But then, the cat will simply push, rub and lick the person once again if it cannot distinguish this individual as its possession. For the inconvenienced person, this cat behavior can be a real pain in the neck. If you are the owner of the cat and you can say that your guest is troubled by your cat's behavior, then explain to the guest what is going on. If possible, ask the individual to allow the cat to rub on him. Once the cat does its business, it will leave your guest alone in due course.

Felines love to hunt. Do not be shocked if your cat is gazing out the window, making odd sounds and doing queer movements. It just has its hunting instinct acting out. If your cat sees a cat or some movement, it will instantly be on its feet. Again, do not be shocked because it is normal for cats.

It is perplexing for some people why cats pounce. Pouncing is one of a cat's favorite pastimes. Pouncing is part of play for them. If you see your cat act like this, do not prevent it from doing so. Otherwise, you may have quite a trouble later on. You and your cat may end up with problem breaking a lot of stuff in your home. If you wish to control how your kitty plays, purchase a toy that it can pounce on. A yarn or a string may even be enough for it to play with. Your cat will surely enjoy your company as it tracks the yarn or string.

You will manage your cat better if you know how to comprehend your cat's body language. Feeding and arranging litter are not the only things you can do for your cat. Try understanding your cat a little more by knowing its behavior.