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Provide Bluebird Nesting Boxes to Enhance Your Birding Sanctuary

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When there is snow on the ground, the bluebirds stand out against the white backdrop. The bluebirds especially liked our holly bushes for the berries that kept them feed during the time when food was not readily available.


Because bluebirds nest in cavities, they usually rely on large old trees, a resource that has steadily declined over the years as forests have been logged and housing developments have evolved.

Today, the best way to attract bluebirds to your yard is to provide nesting boxes. A well designed and place bluebird house is essential. The overall dimensions should be approximately 5"w x 5"d x 16"h with the entrance hole of 1.5" in diameter. The nesting box should be 3 to 6 feet off the ground. Your blue bird house should have drainage holes in the floor so that water can get out and air can get in. Also Ventilation holes should be at the top of your bluebird house.

Other ways to attract bluebirds is to provide food Bluebirds eat a variety of berries, insects, and insect larvae, and will visit garden bird feeders for dried fruit, mealworms, suet, or peanut butter. Plant berry producing vines and shrubs, if possible, and supplement with feeder food. In winter, meal worms are especially popular. Natural water features are perfect, but bluebirds will also readily use a birdbath.

Bluebirds like to nest in cleared spaces but with open woods nearby. Bluebirds build nests with materials such as fine grass, moss, animal hair, feathers and pine needles.

By keeping all the above in mind, you can easily attract bluebirds to your birding sanctuary.