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Way Of Keeping Pigeons As Pets

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Pigeons make excellent pets and they are easy to raise and breed. Whether you keep birds for performance, show, or just for fun I think that you can get great enjoyment from them with a minimum investment of time and money. Of course if you want really good birds and a fancy loft you can expect to spend some cash. There are literally hundreds of breeds of pigeons, and picking just one or two favorites can be difficult. Generally the more accessories the breed has, the more difficult they are to raise. Breeds with extra feathers on their tails or feet may need to be trimmed for breeding, and may be harder to keep clean and undamaged Birds with very short beaks may have trouble feeding their own young, and some breeds are wild and just plain ornery.


Instructions :

1. Build a coop so your pigeons have a place to roost out of the rain and cold. A good size for a small pigeon coop would be six feet wide by ten feet long. This allows the birds plenty of room for exercise and to play with their buddies. Make sure you make it large enough so the pigeons can spread their wings. The coop does not need to be high off the ground; about four feet will do nicely. Drill half inch holes in the top of every side of the coop for ventilation.
Place straw on the floor and change it at least once each week.
2. Feed your pigeons commercial pigeon food with a little scratch grain added. Pigeons need a grain diet of at least 15 percent protein. Large dog food bowls make excellent containers for food and water. Twice a week give your pigeons carrots and greens. Unsalted peanuts are also a treat that they will appreciate.
3. The frequency with which you need to clean pigeon lofts depends on how many birds you keep in the area you have to keep them in. In other words, if you have a lot of birds in a small area, you would need to clean more often than if you had a few birds in a big area. There is some amount of cleaning/maintenance you have to do every day, but it isn't overwhelming (depending on the number of birds kept, etc.). You mainly need to scrape perches free of droppings and keep the floor scraped of droppings, depending on the type of setup you have. Some lofts are designed with a wire floor where droppings fall through where they can be easily raked up.