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Pelicans - Im More Than A Big Mouth

27 14:30:58
The pelican is a very large bird, that has a pouch, underneath its beak. Records suggest that the pelican has existed for over 30 million years. Many ancient cultures held the pelican in high esteem for the way it cared for its young. During medieval times, the pelican was a symbol of resurrection, but the Jewish people thought the bird brought bad luck. If you spot a pelican in the United States, it will either be a brown or American white pelican. Pelicans can be found everywhere, except Antarctica.

Most pelicans stand about 4 feet tall, with wingspans around 9 feet. All pelicans have bills, that are just as long as their heads. They can usually be found inland, around coastal waters and lagoons. The pelicans have a couple of ways to feed themselves. One way is called group fishing. This method is primarily used by white pelicans, they will form a line and chase the fish into shallow water, then they scoop them up. Plunge diving is used mostly by American brown pelicans; in this process, the pelicans dive into the water to snatch up food. The diving method fills the pelican's pouch with water, but they're able to strain out the water, without losing their prey.

Some pelicans build nests before they start the breeding process, while other pelicans have been known to lay eggs on the ground or on top of vegetation. Females will normally lay 1 to 3 eggs. Pelicans actually use their webbed feet to incubate their eggs. The incubation period will last about a month. The baby pelicans that are hatched on the ground can usually walk out of their nest within 35 days; but pelicans born in treetops don't leave the nests until they're ready to fly.

Pelicans can eat 4 pounds of fish a day and they can hold more fish in their bills, than in their bellies. Fish are never carried in their pouches, but in the gullet or esophagus. Most pelicans will weigh around 6 to 8 pounds and when they fly, they can reach speeds up to 30 mph. Pelicans will live in flocks, throughout the year. The life span of pelicans, can reach beyond 20 years, but most of them don't reach 10 years of age.

Pelicans have survived for millions of years, but it hasn't been easy, especially for the brown pelicans. In the 19th and early 20th century, they were hunted for their feathers. Fishermen saw pelicans as competition for the fish, so they killed them. But their greatest enemy was DDT. DDT was a pesticide that was dumped into streams and oceans, which poisoned the fish. When the pelicans ate the fish, they were also poisoned. The DDT reduced the calcium levels in pelicans, which caused them to produce thin shelled eggs, which were crushed during the incubation period.

Fortunately, pelicans are still around, adding their uniqueness to the environment. It's interesting how long some creatures can live, without the interference of humans. People have brains, but how many creatures have to near extinction before people realize, they are not alone on this earth.