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Dog thats afraid of others

18 17:09:49


I have a little female Pomeranian, and she's 1 year and 2 months old. She recently had her 2nd rutting (if that's the term for being in heat), and I don't know if she still in heat. I'm worried because she seems to be a little afraid of the other dogs, but she doesn't do anything to them, only scurry away.
Could you help me by giving some advice to make her more social?

Best Regards,

Hi Joana, Our little ones are often fearful. I doubt the heats are the cause. Have you taken her to any obedience classes where she can socialize with other dogs? Ask around, find friends and neighbors with kind and social dogs. Take her to them and hold her, softly telling her they are good dogs and she is a good dog. Ask your friends to hold their dogs backside to her so she can smell them without them looking at her and let them do the same. But be sure you are  not nervous and sending her nervous signals. Let her smell their coats. Then put her down with them, but keep her on a lead so she does not run off.  Again, don't send nervous signals down the lead, she can feel your emotions. If possible try to find friends that have kind, little dogs.  Sometimes putting them together in a puppy playpen is good because she is not picking up signals from you and cannot run off.  I did this with a client who had a Pom.  I took my Toy Fox Terrier, who is very socialized, over there every day for a month and let them get to know each other.  Within a week they were playing and kissing each other.  If you cannot find a friend or neighbor, try puppy play days at parks, obedience classes, kennels, groomers...  Most dog lovers will be happy to help you with her.  Keep me posted and I always enjoy getting feedback.  Thanks. Regards, Susan