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Dog is afraid of most people

18 17:05:22

My dog, Lucy, is 1-1/2 yrs old and is a Lab and Shepard mix.  We got her when she was a little over a month old from a private party.  After about 4 months, she started exhibiting fear of all people EXCEPT my husband and myself, children, other dogs and my elderly parents.  When she sees that anyone is coming anywhere near us, she tries to run and hide.  When we have company, she runs and hides.  She is so sweet around us and my parents, but it is embarrassing how she acts around other people.  Help!!  Thanks,


She is probably this way because she was taken from her mother a month too early, and missed out on a lot of the things that pups learn about people and the world. Sadly its went on for a long tme now, and therefore will be difficult to change.

Ok, yuo have to restrain her so she cant run when company comes over, whether you use her lead and fasten it to something, she has to get over this fear, and running isnt going to ever fix it. Dont let anyone approach her yet, take it slow. Dont comfort her or coddle, just act normal, as though there is nothing to worry about. This will take time, and when she seems relaxed being in the room with people, but without contact from them, she is ready for the next part.

Start this, update me, and we will move on once progress is made here.