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Obsessive Eating Problem

18 17:02:34

Thank you for your time and thoughts.  I have a black lab,  Weimaraner mix who, we think, is about 7 years old (we think she was about 2 years old when we got her from the pound).  She is a wonderful and very sweet dog, who has never exhibited any destructive chewing behavior, but who never feels that we feed her enough.  For example, about 6 months after we got her, she broke into a storage closet (opened the door with her teeth) and ate about 4 pounds of dog food.  She has also opened some mailed packages that were left at the door which contained food and ate the food.  But these were very isolated cases until about 2 months ago.  She has started to break into things when we are gone during the day, and is consistantly doing it, almost on a daily basis.  She had never before climbed onto the kitchen counters, but now regularly does this, opens the bread box, and eats whatever is inside- plastic bag and all.  We have a large latched tuperware storage bin that we keep her food in, and she has now brocken into this twice.  A friend left 5 sealed granola bars far back on the kitchen counter, which Josi ate-wrapper and all.  I keep thinking there is nothing left to eat, but she keeps finding things.  She get 2 cups of food in the morning and 1.5 in the evening and is just very slightly overweight, definitely not under.  During the work week she spends about 5-6 hours a day with a dog play group, playing off-leash in the forest, three days a week.  She has been going with this same group for almost 3 years.  The other two days she is alone for about 9 hours, but always gets a walk in the morning and two in the evening.  The incidents happen both when she has been out with the group or is home for the day.  She has never done this when my husband or I are home.  I can tell instantly when I get home when she has gotten into something, because she cowers, lays her ears back and rolls onto her back at my feet.  I had maybe spanked her twice ever before she started doing this.  I have been scolding her, holding the remaining plastic in front of her face and have added spanking (on the bottom) in the last few weeks.  Although she looks very guilty, nothing has changed.  Any advise you have would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Miko,
       Each time your dog chews, or does something you don't approve of:

1. Make your hand flat, palm facing the floor

2. Curve your fingers inward, but not to the point of making a fist

3. Take your hand in this position and firmly nudge your dog with the ends of your fingers. Now say "Chtt!".

       Voila! Let me know how it works out. If you have any other questions, be sure to click on "Add a Follow-up". Thank you!