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Puppy Food

27 11:52:32
Puppies grow a lot before they become adults and they need a special diet to help in their physical development. Veterinarians recommend feeding your puppy a specially formulated growth food that has to be given at evenly spaced intervals to avoid over stretching its tiny stomach.

Experts recommend feeding your puppy 4 meals a day until it is 4 months old. Then, you can lower feeding time down to 3 meals a day until it is 6 months old. Afterward, you can reduce feeding time down to 2 meals a day and keep your puppy on this regimen for the rest of its life.

Avoid leaving food down. Always throw away uneaten food after 20 minutes. Also, do not veer away from your feeding regimen and give your dog any variety (unless approved by your vet) since this could disrupt your puppys digestion and toilet training regimen. Lastly, always make sure that water is available to your puppy.

Feeding Regimens

There are several feeding regimens you can choose from: dry complete diets, semi-moist diets, tinned food (with or without mixer) and home-made diets.

You will know if the diet you chose for your puppy suits him if his stool is firm and dark brown in color. So if your puppy produces soft and/or light colored stools, has gas or diarrhea, consult your vet.

Keep in mind that a stable diet will help maintain good digestion. Any change in the diet should be made gradually. The change should go on for at least a week to avoid upset. Also, you should try a new diet at least 10 days before making any further changes.

Dry Complete Diet

There is a wide variety of dry complete foods out in the market. Choose one that is especially designed for puppies, and if you can, go for premium foods. Premium dry puppy foods usually contain the best quality ingredients and most of them are based on chicken and rice or corn. And although premium foods are more expensive to buy upfront, you do not actually have to feed large amounts of them like you would with a lower grade dry complete food so you end up spending about the amount or even less.

Keep in mind though that some puppies may not get easily accustomed to dry foods after weaning. If yours does not seem to like eating dry complete foods you can try soaking the food in a bit of warm water to soften it or mix in a bit if tinned puppy food. Gradually lessen the amount of tinned food or water until your puppy is fully weaned and accepts dry complete foods.

Semi moist and tinned/canned foods

Most puppies, especially those not yet fully weaned, like canned/tinned and semi-moist foods. However, you should be careful what you choose since not every brand provides the digestible protein that your puppy needs. Indigestible protein will only pass through your dogs digestive system without being broken down into absorbable nutrients, and thus will be useless to it.