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Feline Urinary Tract Infection: Heres 5 Simple Clues To Spotting A Cat Urinary Tract Infection

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Have you ever wondered how your cat would tell you that she was suffering from a feline urinary tract infection? Here are 5 messages from your cat telling you she has this problem and tips on how to deal with a cat urinary tract infection.

You have experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI) sometime in your life. You had that burning, itchy nag down in your lower tract and remembered your Mother prescribing cranberry juice for you to drink. While cranberries helped relieve your distress, just what would your cat do if she had a similar infection?

First, let's dispel the tendency to think that a feline UTI is simply a 'female problem.' Just like in the human world, both female and male cats can suffer from a feline urinary tract infection. Second, there are more instances of this condition in older animals, but don't overlook these symptoms in younger cats. Third, just like humans, the problem doesn't go away simply because you ignore the symptoms.

Your cat's urinary tract infection is likely to be related to her physiology, but it presents itself as a behavioral problem in your cat. Your cat experiences extreme pain as she strains to urinate. At the same time she fears the consequences of elimination - a burning sensation and itching - just like humans experience. Since your cat fears pain, she changes her behavior. This often means she changes her potty behavior.

5 Messages From Your Cat Indicating Feline Urinary Infection

1) Prolonged licking in the genital area
2) Urinating outside of the litter box
3) Biting or nibbling at the tail or rear-end
4) Fidgety and spastic episodes
5) Withdrawn or 'turned inward' behavior

If your notice your cat is licking her genital area a lot more than normal, she is sending you a message. If you discover that your cat has urinated on the kitchen tile, basement floor or even in the bathtub - these are messages which aren't hard to spot. Also take note of any trace blood in the urine.

Wherever she may potty, don't scold her, but recognize that these are clues she's leaving behind indicating a cat urinary tract infection. This way you reduce chances that she suffers longer than necessary.

Better yet, help your cat stick to a simple pet health care program that actually prevents feline urinary tract infections. There are a several natural solutions you can find that prevent this painful and chronic problem in your cat.