Pet Information > Others > Vets Pet Health > Your Dog Probably Doesnt Enjoy Canada Day Celebrations As Much As You Do!

Your Dog Probably Doesnt Enjoy Canada Day Celebrations As Much As You Do!

25 17:54:17

Canada day has just passed and while the whole country of Canada was busy celebrating the parade and cooing over the Giant 5000 piece Canada's 148th birthday cake; the people at animal shelters were busy keeping track of all the animals in their care and prepping their services for the next day rush.


Reason? The amazing fireworks that the town people enjoyed were not that great of an experience for the four-legged friends of human. If you are not yet aware of your pet's general fear of loud and thundering noises, this post would definitely give you some insight into their general behavior.

Here are some tips pet owners can use next time they find their pets feeling anxious in presence of loud noises:

  • Observe your pet closely and analyze his/her usual reaction to loud noises. Depending on whether he gets stressed or alarmed or is tolerant of the noise, you can decide if it would be okay to take him along for the next fireworks display event.
  • It would be great if you can manage to remain with him during the show as dogs often feel secure in their owner's presence. Talk and pet them soothingly if you feel they are getting restless.
  • It would do good to treat your pet before the start of the display and keep his favorite toys and treats along with you during the event to distract him from feeling stressed.
  • It is important to keep an eye on your dog during the event or keep him in an enclosed area as he may try to escape the sources of noise. Ensure that he is wearing his collar and ID tag along with it. This would make it easier to find him if he goes missing.
  • Keep the contact details of a reliable Leamington or Windsor veterinarian service (according to your location) ready for emergencies.

While keeping all these in mind, it would be wise to keep your show of attention to a bare minimum. Pets as you might have figured out are very much similar to kids. They would demand to be pampered and soothed with special attention if they sense that you are being extra cuddly or caring because of their anxious behaviour. So it is best to keep indifference or remain subtle in your approach while using different distraction techniques to divert their attention and ensure their safety.