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Get Your Pet Healthy With A Raw Dog Food Diet

27 11:52:32
The partnership between dogs and humans has been traced back for thousands of years. Understanding their usefulness in a variety of areas, humans have maintained this relationship and have had a direct hand in the genetic manipulation that has resulted in the large swath of breeds we have today. On the dog side of the this equation these animals understand the mutual benefit of this relationship with the granting of food and shelter. Human life is very different today and so many people have dogs for the companionship alone. Dogs have officially been upgraded to being a member of the family and the pet accessory industry has exploded to include a variety of accessories and different diets like raw dog food.

The variety of diets that are available to consumers is a testament to the fact that people are understanding that diet is important. Indeed, in terms of the human diet we are now discovering the downside to cheap and factory made foods. The finger of blame, and much scrutiny is being pointed toward the corn industry.

The reason for the this is the simple fact that it has a hand in every bit of food production. Corn and corn derivatives, namely high fructose corn syrup, are found in almost all grocery bought foods, as well as the meats that we buy. This is because of the use of corn as a feed for livestock.

Lab experiments have shown that increased consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, in the form of corn oil can cause an increase in tumor growth. While the correlation is strong, causation has not pointed the finger of blame fully on corn, but people are now changing their eating habits accordingly.

For dog owners who are concerned about their pet's long term health, diet is one of the most important purchases they can make. Most dog foods on the market are a mix of ingredients with corn or corn by-products being the largest component. This can be shocking for owners who are accustomed to believing that their dogs are eating meat.

A raw dog food diet is the best option for any animal and you will start to see some shocking changes for the better in your dog. Unlike the large amounts of stool that pet parents are used to, the switch to raw food will drastically cut down the amount of stool that is produced and it will be harder, smaller, and less smelly.

With a high functioning digestion stool is neither copious or particularly foul smelling. Raw food results in smaller and harder stool without the bad smell. This is because of the high quality ingredients and indeed the only ingredients are meat, fruits and vegetables, and supplements.

The fruits and vegetables are all organic and the meats are raised under hormone and steroid free conditions. The finest ingredients do come with a higher price, but eating right means giving more thought and money to the process.

While quite different in price the benefits to your pet are incalculable. A diet that is closest to what would be found in nature is the best for human and pet alike.