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Puppy Urinary Infections - A Guide To What Not To Do To Treat A Puppy Urinary Infection

27 11:19:57
Puppy urinary infections are no fun for pets or their owners. Your puppy experiences painful urination, fever, lethargy, and a host of other symptoms. If you notice the signs of an infection in your pup you need to seek diagnosis and treatment. Here are some ways you may inadvertently contribute to a puppy urinary infection.

When you take your puppy to the vet, he will probably do a urinalysis to check for bacteria. If bacteria are present, a puppy urinary infection will be diagnosed. The doctor will probably suggest treatment with antibiotics.

Antibiotics may be necessary in severe cases of puppy urinary infections, such as when they are getting close to the stage of being life-threatening. Otherwise, you should try natural treatments first.

If you change your dog's diet and lifestyle and put him on a homeopathic remedy, you will notice a dramatic improvement in a short amount of time. Antibiotics only kill the bacteria that cause infections; they don't get to the root of the problem, making recurrence a possibility.

A big problem with antibiotics for treating puppy urinary infection is that they have to be given in such high doses for periods as long as 4 to 6 weeks. Such a powerful treatment regimen can aggravate your dog's infection as a result.

Instead of antibiotics, try making some changes to your dog's lifestyle. Make sure he gets plenty of water to drink. Water prevents your puppy's urine from thickening and prevents the growth of bacteria. It flushes out all of the harmful toxins that accumulate.

To treat puppy urinary infections however, do NOT give your dog tap water. You need to give your dog filtered water because tap water contains harsh contaminants and bacteria that can actually make his condition worse.

Don't give your puppy a homemade concoction to treat a puppy urinary infection. You could end up doing more damage than good. Instead, look for a homeopathic formula that has been rigorously tested and that is proven to be safe.

Homeopathic ingredients that are known to be safe and effective in healing puppy urinary infections and preventing their recurrence are uva ursi and cantharis. Uva ursi is a known urinary tonic that helps to keep the pH levels of the urine balanced. Cantharis maintains a healthy flow of urine and soothes the bladder.

Now that you know what NOT to do when treating UTI in your puppy, consider using natural remedies instead of antibiotics. They have no risk of side effects and they can help your puppy achieve overall good health and recovery from UTIs. Puppy urinary infections are surprisingly easy to treat with these gentle methods.