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Beach Etiquette for Dog Owners

2016/5/3 10:34:57

On a hot summer day, what could be better than a day at the beach with the dog? Whether your dog enjoys chasing the waves, running along the shoreline, or just standing in the cool refreshing water, it's a great way to get some fresh air and exercise.

Unfortunately, dog-friendly beaches are few and far between. It really is a case where a few irresponsible dog owners can ruin it for everyone else, even resulting in municipalities banning dogs from beaches altogether. Here are a few etiquette tips to help us all preserve our dog-friendly beaches.

Poop and scoop - always, and right away.

Imagine stepping in dog waste... in your bare feet! Always pick up after your dog right away, and then dispose of the waste in a garbage bin. Please don't leave the waste bags lying about, or assume that dog waste will be "washed away" by the waves.

Obey leash laws.

Some dog-friendly beaches are "on-leash" only. This helps to prevent unwanted confrontations between dogs and other people (or pets), and is especially common on beaches where that are lots of kids present.

Have your dog under control at all times - even in leash-free zones.

Your dog must respond reliably to your voice commands even if the beach is off-leash. Do not allow your dog to approach other people or pets unless invited to do so. Not everyone welcomes an enthusiastic greeting by a wet dog, no matter how friendly he is!

Leave treasured toys at home.

Many dogs are possessive around favorite toys, so leave them at home to minimize territorial issues.

Monitor your dog and know when he's had enough.

Crowded beaches with lots of people and other dogs can be exhausting, even for a high-energy pooch! If your dog shows signs that he's tired or has just plain had enough interaction, call it a day. Leave your dog happy and tired and let him look forward to your next trip to the beach!

family - pets included!

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