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Canine Urinary Tract Infection - Risks, Prevention And Treatments

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A lot of dog owners have observed that one of the leading causes of canine urinary tract infection is when dogs are locked inside the home for long periods of time. There are symptoms that you will notice that will suggest if your dog is encountering this type of problem. Regarding the prevention and treatment, it is necessary to implement natural remedies together with a daily routine change.

This is something we have to face. Urinary tract infection is one of the most painful and frustrating conditions that one can have. The intense itching and the burning sensation during urination is something that is unbearable.

When your dog experiences canine urinary tract infection, he will experience the same symptoms. According to vets, dogs are coming in due to this kind of problem. The cause of dog urinary tract infection has a direct link to the long periods of time when the dog is left inside the house.

If your pet has a dog urinary tract infection, you will notice some of these symptoms:

* continually begging to go outdoors as if to relieve himself
* your dog will strain urinating
* not peppy
* acting as if he had made mistakes
* the urine is foul smelling

Try to evaluate, when do you think was the last time your pet had a chance to go potty? If you think that it had been a couple of hours back, then you're dog is already at risk for dog urinary tract infection.If you observe these symptoms in your dog, then you should be alert because there could be high chances that he is showing the signs of a canine urinary tract infection. One of the first signs of canine urinary tract infection is sudden onset of incontinence.

Preventive measures

Not all dog owners can train their dog to litter in a litter box, so it is necessary to let the dog go outdoors to urinate. This way, your dog won't have to hold his urine for longer periods of time. Remember that when your dog holds his urine, there are greater chances of bacterial growth and your dog is more at risk for infection.
Set a program wherein your dog can go out of the house every 4-6 hours. Get your family involved in this program to make it easier on your part. Another option would be hiring someone to take care of the dog when you are not around, say for example, a dog walker or an outdoor kennel.

Treatment methods

One way of reducing the chances of canine urinary tract infection is by allowing your dog to have more breaks for him to urinate. Also, it is advisable that your dog has access to fresh water sources which should be replaced everyday.

If your pet is suffering from dog urinary tract infection, visit your vet at once. Antibiotics maybe the best short-term remedy, but when you want long term treatments, go for natural remedies for they are effective in the prevention dog urinary tract infection.