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Caring For Pet Birds

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Pet birds can bring us so much pleasure that they are often a welcome addition to families. Kids are especially taken with these little feathered friends and often end up taking the bird hostage as their little playmate. However, caring for pet birds does take some effort on your behalf and is important for the health of your bird.

Pet Bird Care Starts In The Pet Store

Before you even take a bird home you want to be sure to be able to accommodate the bird's needs in order to give him the best possible home. People with limited space in their homes and families with very small kids should probably think twice about buying a pet bird. They would be more suited to a cat.

Birds need ample room to play and be and sticking them into a small bird cage is not the idea here. In fact, too many bird owners do this and it is a sad state of affairs. Imagine you were locked in a small room all your life without ever getting out into the sunshine.

Birds Need Proper Handling

Caring for a pet bird requires proper handling of the bird. It means you can't just grab your bird if you feel like it. As you might do more damage this way. Like humans, birds need their quiet times and space in which they can just be without getting disturbed by you or small kids wanting to play.

They should also be fed with appropriate food depending on the type of bird you buy. The bigger the bird, usually the more food and toys he requires. Parrots are a lot more needy in terms of the time you spend with them than a little finch. Finches are more so birds for show and usually not a bird one would stroke and handle.

Inform yourself about the various types of pet birds available and choose one that suits your lifestyle and home.

Bird Training

Training your bird can be quite a challenge. It isn't rare we hear bird owners complaining about their biting, screaming bird. Often, this is an inclination that the bird has either been abused in the past, or else if you bought a baby bird, it might just feel neglected by you.

There is a wide range of training tools available on the market these days. You can choose from training videos, books, eBooks and more to get a grip on your bird's behavior.

Caring for your pet bird isn't really that hard. With the right mind set and knowledge you too can become a happy and relaxed bird owner with a happy bird to boost.