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Enjoyable Holidays With Pets

27 11:17:12
Americans were asked recently to give their choice as to whether they would prefer travelling with their pets. More then 70% of them said " Yes."

This survey was conducted by the nations leading pet care manufacturer. This is the reason that more and more parks, hotels, and distant travel destinations are offering holidays with pets. There is one thing though that you must make sure of. Your pet must be willing to travel and is not forced to.

Cats, for instance, do not enjoy car rides while most dogs do. Dogs could also be taken when you are camping out but you are likely to leave your cat behind. Ofcourse, exception exists. The fact is that no matter what, your pet would prefer to stay around you rather then in a far away kennel kept some place else.

Please consider these travel tips for a safe and an enjoyable pet vacation:

1. You must carry a health certificate that is duly certified by your veterinarian after checking up your pet. Also, include proof of recent vaccinations for distemper, bordetella and rabies.

2. You would not like your pet to get lost especially if you are travelling out of state. Hence, it is always a sensible idea to get your pet micro chipped so that it can be traced quickly.

3. Carry extra sets of medicines for your pet, if it is undergoing any medication. It is a good idea to keep the contact numbers of your veterinarian should you loose the medication. In that case you could call in for a prescription.

4. It is crucial that your pet behaves well on the trip. Though there are quite a few places that invite pets but nobody would tolerate the nuisance of your dog that is barking during the day or all night.

5. You must keep your pet occupied so that it does not chew on any hotel furniture. You must also potty train your pet so that it does not spoil the carpet in your hotel room and turn it into a kennel. The obnoxious smell will also put off the hotel staff and other guests staying near your room.

6. You must not presume that your reserved hotel allows pet. So, please check and confirm on the availability of such hotels to avoid the rush and being left out with your pet.

7. Carrying your pet's favorite food and toys, a pillow or bed could also be considered. Familiar things on the vacation will ease your pet while travelling and will keep both you and your pet pleasant on the trip.