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How to Feed a Pet Turtle

28 13:49:33

How to Feed a Pet Turtle

How to Feed a Pet Turtle. Turtles make great pets for animal lovers of all ages. When you have a pet turtle, you want to care for it the best way possible. However, you might be surprised to know that providing basic turtle food isn't enough. Turtles require a variety of foods to have a healthy and happy life.

Step 1

Buy a can of turtle food or pellets from your local pet store. If you are unsure of which food to buy, simply ask the store clerk for recommendations. Canned turtle food should comprise 25 to 50 percent of your turtle's diet.

Step 2

Include live animals in your turtle's diet. This includes feeder fish, mill worms, earthworms, crickets or other small insects. Purchase your live diet from a pet store or dealer because if you simply take them from your backyard, they may contain pesticides or have a disease. Live food should comprise about 25 percent of your turtle's diet.

Step 3

Add leafy greens, fruits and vegetables to your turtle's diet. Leafy spinach, lettuce, carrots, apples or raw potatoes are great options. Cut or shred the fruits and vegetables to make it easier for the turtle to eat. This category makes up the rest of your turtle's balanced diet.

Step 4

Feed your turtle once a day. It's best to have a consistent daily feeding time.


  • Never feed your turtle table food or raw or undercooked meat.