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Humane Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Shredding Your Furniture

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Humane Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Shredding Your Furniture


Cats are fascinating and fun pets to have but the adoration you may feel for Fluffy may quickly subside when you discover your prized sofa has been shredded to bits. Cats scratch; it is normal behavior for them. They scratch for a number of reasons: to mark their territory in a visual and olfactory way. They also secrete pheromones from glands in their paws and when they scratch they leave a scent that warns any potential trespassers to stay away. The visual markings also serve the same purpose.

Scratching also serves to get rid of old nail husks and is a sort of feline manicure slash exercise for your cat's paws and tendons.

Some owners have their cats declawed to remedy the situation but this is a harsh and cruel thing to do to your pet.

Providing your cat with a scratching post will allow her to engage in this activity in a way that is acceptable to you. Remember that cats want to leave a visual message when they scratch so choose the correct material for your scratching post. Burlap is an excellent choice and is preferred by most cats.

Don't hide the scratching post away in a corner; cats want their visual message seen so encourage your cat to use the scratching post by placing it in an obvious area. Once your pet gets the message and starts using the post consistently, you can move it to a more discreet location.

Covering prized pieces of furniture with heavy gauge plastic can help keep it safe from prying claws. Some companies manufacture sprays and products that they claim discourages cats from scratching furniture.

If you own more than one cat, conflicts between them may prompt them to scratch due to stress. Address these issues and you may find your problem disappearing.

Nail covers are available which you can stick on your cat's claws to prevent damage to furniture. They are a humane alternative to declawing and have proven to be very successful.

Of course regular nail trims will dramatically reduce the damage your cat's claws will wreak on furniture and carpets. There are special nail trimmers manufactured for use on cats that will enable you to cut the tips of your pet's claws. Your veterinarian should show you how to clip your cat's nails before you attempt to do so otherwise you risk cutting the area which contains veins and can result in bleeding.