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What Is Behind The Increase In Vitamin And Supplement Use?

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Vitamins and Supplements are the most commonly used form of alternative medicine today. Their usage has increased by 7% from 2007 to 2008. This trend is expected to continue over the next several years according to observers. There has been tremendous consumer interest in such things as probiotics, certified organic cosmetics, home and pet care, with some of these showing double digit growth of 20% to 40% year over year. According to Nancy White, Director of Marketing at the National Marketing Institute (NMI) in Harleysville, PA, consumer interest in the use of dietary supplements for healthcare is growing stronger in a number of segments. A 2007 NMI Health and Wellness Trends Survey found that the top categories for supplements are weight loss, heart problems, digestion, arthritis and joint pain, seasonal allergies, vision and eye care and diabetes.

So after several years of declining sales, what is behind the renewed interest in vitamins and supplements? The economic downturn may have something to do with it as consumers move away from expensive prescription drugs to less expensive natural solutions. It also may be that there is a growing trend that consumers have concerning the safety of natural products over prescription drugs and their sometimes harsh side effects. The accessibility of natural vitamins and supplements and growing dissatisfaction with the results of prescription drugs also may be contributing to the changing trend also.

Consumers are using supplements for a growing number of reasons and ailments. Some want to lower cholesterol levels, reduce the duration of colds and flu symptoms, increase energy and memory levels, pain reduction, loss weight and to protect their eyesight. We are also using supplements for heart health, digestive problems and diabetes.

According to a recent study conducted for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) in Washington, D.C., 68% of all Americans are users of vitamins and supplements. This is a modest increase from the year before. The interesting point of this study is that the number of adults considering themselves to be regular users of vitamins and supplements was up from 46% to 52% said Season Solario, Director of Public Relations at CRN.

As consumers become more concerned about their health they also have more reinforcement today in their interest in dietary supplements. Over three quarters (79%) of physicians and 82% of nurses recommend to their patients that they take dietary supplements. This figure is expected to increase as more and more clinical trials of supplements are completed.

People are also feeling more confident in the quality of vitamins and supplements that are available to them. In light of the steroid scandal in Major League Baseball and the growing concern over counterfeit products, especially from China the supplement industry has taken this as a wake up call. They realize that they have to take a pro active approach to managing their suppliers, both here and overseas. It is widely expected that the recent finalization of the U.S Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP's) for dietary supplements and the new Adverse Event Reporting (AER) law will have very positive effects on the dietary supplement industry. GMP standards provide traceability and verification that proper procedures are being adhered to. U.S. GMP standards will have to be adopted by manufacturers in foreign countries if they want to do business with the ever increasing U.S. global supplement industry.

The trend in consumer interest and use in vitamins and supplements is expected to continue over the foreseeable future. Many Americans are becoming more pro active concerning the health of themselves and their families. With this interest will come a better understanding of the benefits of supplements and their potential to improve overall health.