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Offer Your own Birds A Bird Bath

2016/5/3 15:29:18

If you love wild birds like we do, then you know how important it is to provide them with a drinking and bathing source. Providing a birdbath is one of the best ways to attract wild birds. We have cared for and fed the birds here for many years, since 1970 in fact. It is one of the great joys of living here. They never fail to amaze us with their beauty, songs and tricks. Every now and then, when I sit outside my bench, a bird would also sit on my head or knee. We co-exist with these birds and treat each other us family. Creatures who come here do not feel threatened. They learn to co-exist in harmony. Indeed, it works.

Water is a basic essential of all living creatures. Birds need water for drinking but often it is not easy for them to find it. Birds also need water for bathing, keeping them cool during the hot and dry season. Birds can’t fly properly and protect themselves if their feathers are unclean.

Location is the first factor to consider in placing a birdbath. It must be easily accessible for birds to fly immediately when predators are coming. A birdbath located near the bushes can easily be threatened by beasts dwelling behind or in it. A garden fountain can be placed under a shaded area like under a tree. The birds can sit on its branches. Birds will feel safe on a tree branch, drying their feathers. Birds’ waste can contaminate the water so don’t place their bird bath under a feeder. Make sure you provide clean, fresh water every few days, changing the water every day in the hot summer months. Still waters left in the open or under the sun can grow algae. If the water is not maintained, the stains caused by algae in the birdbath will be hard to remove. At the sight of it, birds won’t go near it, much less bathe in it or drink it. Am I right?

It takes my breath away to watch the birds in the garden fountain. They bathe by dipping their bodies and then splashing some of the water on themselves. When the birds finish taking a bath, they fly and sit on a tree branch and groom themselves. I love watching this process. It seems that the birds are enjoying what they do. The birds produce oil for their feathers, making them resistant to water and long-lasting. It is at this time, he also removes any dirt or insects stuck on the feathers.

A puddle is the most natural birdbath. If you are to choose a birdbath, pick a round-shaped or oval-shaped birdbath. its depth should not exceed three inches and its texture not too smooth to avoid birds from slipping. If the bottom is too smooth, put some pebbles on it.

Different kinds of birdbaths are seen in the market. We like the ones with the solar operated fountain. Birds seem to pay attention to birdbaths that sounds like dripping water. Another type of birdbath is the one that thaws frozen water. During winter, birds will have enough water supply.

Get the birds that Bird bath they need by going to Best Pet Products. They have tons of Bird Bath selections to suit your needs to select from.