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What Everybody Should Know About Grooming Their Dog

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If you own a dog the fact they need grooming is not news to you. If you are considering adopting a dog in your future grooming may be a bigger element than you thought to consider. Different breeds of dogs require varying levels of care. This is because all dog’s fur varies in thickness, texture, length, and tendency to shed. Know yourself and whether you are up to the task on maintaining a grooming schedule. Here is some starter information.

Why Groom My Dog?

Grooming your dog is more than just aesthetics. Fur left uncared for can become matted and tangled. This fur can pull on a dog’s skin causing injury, and then need to be shaved. Dog’s fur can grow over their eyes making it hard for them to see, or for some breeds long enough to become a tripping hazard!

What Will I Need?

This will also depend on the breed of dog you own. There are a variety of different brushes on the market. Dog’s coats typically have two types of fur: the outer layer of fur, which is coarser, and the inner layer of fur, which is much softer. A dog’s hair grows to a predetermined length, some stay short and some will grow quite long.

Some of the most common brushes include: a bristle brush, a pin brush, and a soft or rubber brush. A metal comb for grooming is also a handy tool. You may also need a hound glove. Don’t forget equipment for taking care of their nails. Choose an organic dog shampoo for your pup’s bath. Not sure what to choose? Consult dog shampoo reviews. Dog bathing frequency will vary from breed to breed.

Fur Type: Wiry Coats

Dogs with wiry coats need to be brushed at least three times a week to remove loose dead hair. These breeds can be considered high maintenance if you are going to take the time to properly brush them! These coats do best being washed about once every three months. Terriers and Dachshunds are breeds that belong in this category.

Fur Type: Curly, Non-shedding Coats

Think poodles! Poodles should be bathed and trimmed every two months. Extra care needs to be taken dealing with extra fur in and around their ears, make certain you hire a professional to do your grooming.

Fur Type: Long Thick Coats

As you might suspect long thick coats require frequent brushing. In fact when these dogs are shedding they may need to be brushed daily. This breed of dog has a coat with protective oils. Too frequent bathing strips these oils which is detrimental to their coats.

Choose a shampoo designed to care for your breed’s fur. Dog shampoo reviews can help you find just the right one. What is the dog bathing frequency for this breed? On average these breeds need baths only about twice a year. Akitas and Newfoundlands belong in this group.

Fur Type: Smooth Coats

Use a hound glove to keep these pups looking great. A hound glove has a slicker brush on one side and rubber studs on the other. Comb these breeds once a week. Use dog shampoo reviews to find just the right shampoo for your dog’s baths. These breeds need a bath two to three times a year.

Who falls into this category? Dalmatians, Dobermans, Boxers, Whippets, and Labradors!

What to Know

If you are familiar with a dog’s breed you are familiar with their fur coat. Each breed’s fur is different . A professional groomer can give you some great tips on how to handle your do’s and what cut best suits them. When bathing your dog remember there are a wide range of shampoos available. They range from organic dog shampoo to flea repellents and everything in between. Don’t know where to start? Consult dog shampoo reviews . A little bit of research goes a long way.