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Don抰 dogs eat the funniest things?

29 9:53:00

This week a woman from North Carolina found fragments of her savings in her dog抯 excrements. What are the most mouth watering things dogs shouldn抰 eat but they do?

Don抰 dogs eat the funniest things? This week a woman from North Carolina found fragments of her $400 savings in her dog抯 excrements (read the story from the Metro here). Imagine having your savings swallowed up by your pet? Not a good time to suffer from any sort of financial loss. Another dog from Bath ate a stash of Cannibis plants held as drugs evidence at a police station.

Besides making me spend lots, Milo hasn抰 eaten any money, but he has had his fair share of sock remains and, brace yourself, plastic bags during his puppyhood. I think he actually threw up an entire sandwich bag when he was a few months old. If that wasn抰 enough Guy抯 chocolate Labrador, Cookie (pictured above), used to chew car bumpers when she was a pup.

So what are the most mouth watering things dogs shouldn抰 eat but they do? We抳e munched our way through the web and found some canine crunching favourites that you can try and avoid any costly and heartbreaking visits to Mr Vet.

Bones - Although larger breeds can hack a bit of bone action now and again, chicken bones can be particularly dangerous for any dog. Take care of smaller breeds like chihuahuas and dachshunds that can get sharp bone splinters stuck in their stomachs or intestines. The best rule? No bones at all.

Stones and Sticks ?Whether it抯 one or more, stones can really clog up in an intestine. The good news is that, like bones and balls, these are easily spotted on x-rays and can be removed with a small operation. Sticks on the other hand are one of the most obvious outdoor snacks. They splinter, poke and tear up a gut at times so be careful next time you play fetch with one!

Grass - Some dogs enjoy a light grazing now and again to clean themselves out but if your dog eats grass on a regular basis, this could suggest dietary imbalance and a craving for greens. You may want to consider giving your dog some veg if they appear to want 搒omething green.?Cooking the vegetables first may make them more digestible, resulting in less vomiting. Read more about why dogs eat grass here.

Foodie scraps ?Did you know that most human foods like chocolate, onions and even berries can be highly toxic for your pooch and cause upset sensitive stomachs or diarrhoea. So next time you look under the table at those huge pleading eyes think again! Many dogs have sensitive stomachs and suffer from diarrhoea. To help prevent these problems and treat common problems such as indigestion, vomiting and runny stools try introducing a daily probiotic like Bionic Biotic to your dogs diet. This natural supplement includes minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium and methionine which all help aid better digestion and immune system.

Faeces - There are several theories for this mysterious and not so cute doggie habit, one is attention seeking and the other is simply that well, let抯 face it dogs eat about everything don抰 they? If you want to stop your dog eating his excrement read more here. That solves the cause of bad breath then!

Dog toys - A sad fact of life but more often than not, our pooches can end up ingesting parts of their favourite toys. This is unfortunate because these are made for dogs to enjoy. Watch out for cheap rope toys where strings easily loosen up and can be swallowed or the plastic squeaker mechanisms inside soft dog toys.

Underwear and socks ?I have distinct memories of chasing Milo around the bedroom trying to retrieve a pair of my undies from him. He also has a habit of sitting near the washing machine in case a sock accidentally pops out. So next time you throw those panties on the bedroom floor make sure you aim for the laundry basket first.

LEAVE IT! - Now that you know what抯 bad for your mutt, if he accidentally gets hold of a sock, stick or chicken leg you can master the 憀eave it command and catch him in time . Check out here.

Take care... dogs and especially puppies will chew on almost anything remotely interesting.