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Maid Services Advice - Pet Stain Cleaning Tips

29 9:33:31

Uh oh, the puppy had a problem. You don't really need maid services to clean it up, but read this article to see what advice they'd give you to clean it up yourself.

There's no reason to call the maid services when you've got pet stains. You can usually take care of it yourself with regular household cleanings. Here are some great tips from maid services on how to clean up pet stains yourself.

Don't Wait!

Maid services know that you need to move fast to get pet stains cleaned up quickly. The reason is that, like any stain, leaving it to set will make it harder to clean up later. When it comes to pet waste, this is an even bigger issue because it contains enzymes that will cause permanent discoloration and stinky odor. Pet stains have been the ruin of many carpets and pieces of furniture.

Start With Paper Towels

Nice absorbent paper towels are a godsend to cleaning up this kind of mess. They can often take the bulk of the stain away with a little bit of blotting. Be careful to blot the stain and not rub, or you may risk rubbing it into the carpet or upholstery further. While you're blotting and soaking it up in paper towels, plan your next move. Here are some good ideas to start with.

Sponge and Soapy Water

Maid services often clean a lot of pet stains with nothing more than regular soap. Apply warm soapy water to a sponge and gently scrub the affected area. Take breaks to dry and see if there's any change. There's a good chance that this will be all you need, but if you still see the stain there, there are more options.

Baking Soda

Baking soda works really well for urine. If you've ever had children, you probably know that baking soda is great for vomit stains. It works just the same way with your pets. Apply to the stained area and let it dry there. Leave it for about ten minutes, and then blot it up. It may take a few tries, so repeat a couple of times.


There are lots of vinegar mixtures that work great for pet stains. It's a good idea to keep a spray bottle handy with a solution of water and vinegar. Some folks recommend adding lemon juice as well. Recipes vary, but 1 part water to 1 part vinegar is a good bet. Vinegar is great at taking out all kinds of stains that you find anywhere.

Pet Vomit

We've focused mostly on the waste that comes out of your pet's bottom area, but what about vomit? Usually the best method is to use the above baking soda solution, or any type of peroxide. There are pet cleaners available at the store that you can also buy which work in the same way. Apply to the affected area, wait for around 10 minutes, and then blot the area with an absorbent cloth.

If you've got a deep-set stain that's been there for a while, it can be much more difficult. Stains can soak through the carpet and actually penetrate the floor below. For stains like this, have the professional maid services take care of it. They're the pros at what they do.

Article Tags: Maid Services