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Thirteen Guinea Pig Facts For New Owners

2016/5/3 9:03:00

Guinea pigs make wonderful pets. I've prepared a fact list of 13 important things that all new owners should know.

  1. Guinea pigs need to have things to chew because their teeth never stop growing. Make sure they have enough things to chew and that it won't cause them any harm.
  2. Guinea pigs are social creatures and thrive better with company. Two piggies are better than one.
  3. If you decide to get a companion for your furry friend steer away from two males. Choose either two females or a male and a female. Males sometimes have a hard time getting along and will tend to fight.
  4. Your new pet will be healthier and live longer if they can get adequate exercise. The cage should not be too small and they need accessories that provide a means of exercise for them.
  5. Be sure their living quarters are large enough. Minimum 7.5 square feet for one, 10.5 square feet for two.
  6. Your guinea pig has a delightful personality. They need human interaction to bring it out.
  7. New guinea pets are often shy and a little scared in their new surroundings. Be patient. Don't leer over their cage. You need to gain their trust. Be gentle. Give them a chance to adjust.
  8. These lovable little creatures, like humans cannot make their own vitamin C and need to get it through their diet to prevent scurvy.
  9. They need a balanced diet that contains the proper amount of crude protein and fiber along with Vitamin C. Buy quality food and check the labels for contents.
  10. Besides purchased food products, guinea pigs do eat vegetables but not all vegetable are good for them. Take the time to learn what they can and cannot have to eat. Absolutely do not ever feed your piggy meat.
  11. Your new pet will bond with you easier if you hold them and give them affection. Just be gentle. Human contact is so important to their welfare especially if they do not have a companion.
  12. Guinea Pigs are especially good for older adults living alone. They are easy to care for and manage. As a companion for an older adult the interaction they have will lift their spirits.
  13. Having a pet like this is a great way to teach young children a sense of responsibility.
This list could be a lot longer. I've only touched on some of the more important types of guinea pig information a new owner should be aware of. If you take the time to learn about these unique little pets you they will provide you with many hours of pleasure and fun.