Pet Information > Others > Other Pet > Pig > Important Facts to Consider Before You Get a Pet Guinea Pig

Important Facts to Consider Before You Get a Pet Guinea Pig

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Picking a pet can be a tough decision. There are a number of factors to take into consideration, including whether you can spend enough time with it, what its exercise requirements are, and whether it suits your lifestyle.

If you are thinking about getting some guinea pigs for your family, but can't decide if they're the best pet for you, here are a few essential facts to help you decide.

Size and Weight

Guinea pigs are a lot bigger than most rodents - they can grow up to 25 cm (10 inches) long and weigh as much as 1.2 kg (2.5 lb).

Having a large pet can be a good thing - they are less likely to wriggle through your fingers when handling them, and they tend not to find their way into small nooks and crannies, saving you the difficult task of trying to get them out again!

On the other hand, they may also be too heavy for very young children to handle easily, and they need a larger cage, which can take up a lot of room.



A typical cavy tends to reach between 4 and 5 years old. This is a lot longer than many other small pets, meaning they are more of a commitment.

This is especially important if you are buying guinea pigs for young children. They have a tendency to get bored easily, so you should seriously consider whether they will still be interested in a few years' time.

Personality and Character

Some small animals are very lively, and spend much of their time dashing around, particularly when you get them out to play. Guinea pigs are quite different, and are usually happy to sit on your lap eating or being stroked.

However, guinea pigs do still require daily attention, and really enjoy being taken out of their cage for a run around and some attention. It is essential that you have the time to do this regularly.