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What Should You Eat For A Health

28 11:58:06
The fast life and the busy schedule forces people to eat exactly what we should avoid the most. Fast food, fried snacks like (French fries, potato chips, and other salty snacks rich of fats and carbohydrates) and excess intake of sweetened beverages like tea, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks. Mostly people rely on processed ready to eat food that includes fatty acids, the main producer of toxins. Whereas the regular wholegrain cereals, natural fruits, fresh juices and green vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants which can make our body relax and detoxified.

Strict Food Habit

Along with this regular change in eating habits, one needs to regularize his/her meals. Strictly accepting a regular, healthy and nutritious food pattern is always helpful in being fit and healthy. This food pattern varies according to the age of people. A food pattern which is ideal for people aged 20 to 30 years cannot be suitable for an elder people of 50-60 years.

Ideal Diet Patterns

One of the most mandatory things for every human being is to accept an ideal diet pattern, which should be adopted on a permanent basis. One should start the day with herbal tea and fruits, followed by a healthy and comparatively a heavy breakfast, because there is longest time interval between your dinner and breakfast and after a long sleep your body needs sufficient amount of energy which is possible only by a perfect breakfast full of all nutrients required for body. Between your breakfast and lunch you can have some fresh fruits (avoid fruit juices because that way you loose most important fibers for your body), and then a light lunch comprised of two-three chapattis a little bit of rice and pulses (they provide proteins for body) and one or two pieces of chicken or fish. In evening you can take some drinks link skimmed milk or chocolate milk. At last, you should have a light dinner at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. Avoid heavy dinner that consist too much oily or fried food. Before going to bed for sleep have a glass of semi hot milk.

This is the best diet pattern one should adopt. This pattern is applicable to people of all age group with a little modification according to the age group and specific requirement of body, because the needs of a human being change according to time.