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Histamine A Solution To The Problem Of Food Sensitivity

28 11:55:15
Many people live with the problem of food sensitivity, and some of them are not even aware of it. They may not immediately connect the symptoms they are experiencing, such as stomach upsets, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, skin rashes and eczema, to the foods they are eating. The problem may be caused by a histamine intolerance, and if that's the case, help is available.

A food sensitivity is not the same thing as a food allergy. The sensitivity may be caused by high levels of histamine in food. Some fruits and vegetables, as well as processed foods like processed meats and cheese, have high levels of histamine. Intolerance when they are consumed is what triggers the symptoms in people who live with food sensitivities.

Other foods that can trigger the symptoms associated with food sensitivity include pizza and canned fish, as well as beer and wine. Rather than avoid these foods to reduce the likelihood of experiencing food sensitivity symptoms, there is a way for people to continue enjoying the foods they love. Taking histamine capsules can really help a person with histamine intolerance to have a better quality of life.

The problem with these kinds of foods is that high levels of histamine they contain. Taking one or two histamine capsules helps the body by increasing the Diamine Oxidase (DAO) levels. This digestive enzyme needs to be replenished so that the person living with food sensitivity can enjoy a variety of foods.

DAO is present in the digestive tract, and breaks down the histamines contained in processed foods. People who don't have enough DAO in their bodies need some help to restore the levels to a more normal level. Living with a food sensitivity is not something that must simply be tolerated when there is help available.

Taking histamine capsules is a better choice than trying to use an antihistamine to deal with the problem. An antihistamine will block the histamine, but it doesn't change the way the body deals with histamine levels in food.

A reaction caused by histamine levels in foods is not the same thing as experiencing the symptoms of a food allergy. The symptoms associated with a food allergy may be similar, but a food allergy is a condition that needs to be dealt with by a qualified health care professional. The specific foods that trigger an allergic reaction need to be determined so that they can be avoided.

To find out more about how histamine capsules can be used to help people with histamine intolerance avoid the symptoms associated with food sensitivity, go to The site provides helpful information about this common health issue and offers a solution to people who have been living with it.