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The Secrets Of Goldfish Care

28 11:57:08
Goldfish can make great pets and the proper goldfish care can ensure that your fish lives for a long time, in fact, the oldest living goldfish on record lived for 43 years!

One of the most important things you can do for your goldfish is to choose the right tank. Goldfish need well oxygenated water so you'll want to pick a tank that has a lot of surface area - or area where the water meets the air. It's in your fish's best interest to choose a tank that is shorter and longer as opposed to one that is taller and thinner. I know a lot of people keep their goldfish in a bowl, but this isn't really a very good environment for a fish and it certainly won't allow for you to expand and add other fish to your collection.

Another be sick part of goldfish care is to make sure that the water is always clean. Goldfish, in general are actually pretty messy fish and they can pollute their own water pretty quickly. You also need to be careful not to feed them too much as the excess food will float to the bottom and start to decay. Plus they will eat too much and then poop more and their waste in the water will also start to decay. Both of these will add up to bad water quality leaving your goldfish stressed out and at risk for disease.

Doing partial water changes, about 25% of the total water changed out once a month, is a must to keep your goldfish happy and healthy.

Just like you, your goldfish can get sick and part of caring for him is to keep an eye on them to make sure he doesn't show any of the signs of disease. You want to look for little white spots that almost look like salt which is a disease called Ichtyopthirius and needs to be treated right away. Also, observe your fish every day and make sure that he doesn't exhibit any unusual behavior that can indicate that he is sick. Make sure you keep the tank at a constant temperature and that the PH level remains within the preferred range.

Goldfish care is not that hard and merely requires that you provide him with an appropriate environment in which to live. Feeding him a varied diet consisting of flake foods, brine shrimp and blood worms will help keep them healthy. Make sure you have a good heater and filtration system on your aquarium and your goldfish should be happy and healthy for quite some time.