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Are You Tired All The Time? Heres The Answer

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Anaemia, This is an iron deficiency and can cause a variety of symptoms including tiredness, dizziness and feeling cold. A quick test for you iron levels is to pull down your bottom eye lid, if the flesh is glossy and red you probably have good iron levels, but if it is pale and pink, you need an iron boost. See you healthcare professional for a blood test and increasing iron intake in the form of Nettle, Dandelion, Chamomile, Kelp, Milk Thistle, Mullein, Peppermint, Raspberry Leaves and Alfalfa herbal tea and iron rich foods including oats, beans, lentils, avocado, peaches, eggs, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, pumpkin and watercress.

Over exercise, your body needs a balance between exercise and recovery to avoid over training. Symptoms like lingering fatigue, mood changes, disturbed sleep, persistent soreness, irritability or injury. Insure that you have at least one rest day a week in your training schedule and listen to your body. To get professional help on how to structure your exercise regime, contact Warren Williams of Intergrative Health Coaching.

Candida : This is an overgrowth of fungus which can be brought on by constant stress, lowered immunity and long term or frequent use of antibiotics. Candidas symptoms include tiredness, irritability, headaches, food sensitivities and poor digestion. Visit a qualified nutritionist for an elimination diet. In the meantime The 3 most important thing to do are stop feeding the yeast on sugar and yeast, replenish the friendly bacteria to fight off the yeast overgrowth in the form of acidophilus supplements and build immune system to give your body the energy and defences required to deal with the overgrowth. Garlic is thought to slow the spread of candida and aloe vera juice will heal the damage to the gut lining.

Hypothyroidism : an underactive thyroid slows metabolisms causing fatigue, weight gain and sometimes depression. Find out whether the condition runs in the family then visit a healthcare professional for a test. Medication can remedy the imbalance.

Excessive dieting : Consistently reducing your calorie intake to below what your body requires will always result in tiredness. Focus on improving you diet generally, not just is phases and this will keep the weigh off much more effectively that yo-yo dieting.

If you are tired all the time, try the following fruits, which are helpful for different reasons but all aid energy production. Avocados are high in essential fatty acids which aid digestion by keeping food in the stomach longer so that more nutrients are absorbed and you feel fuller for longer. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries are all great immune boosters, high in vitamin C and A and taste great. Pears, apple, kiwi and banana are all good choices as the body assimilates them easily and they provide an instant energy boost.