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Taking Care Of A New Puppy Tips And Advice On What To Expect

27 18:25:54
When you make the decision to get a new household member of the small fluffy furry kind there are several things you should know about taking care of a new puppy before you go and look at them.

You first of all need to decide what breed of dog you want although taking care of a new puppy of any breed requires the same attention when they are young but they do grow very quickly and you do not want to get a breed that will grow into a big dog if you feel that you will not be able to take care of it as you did when it was young.

When you bring a puppy home, he or she will usually be around 8 weeks old. Most good breeders will not allow them to leave their mother much before this date. Taking care of a new puppy at this young age requires a warm room and a warm place to sleep. You will also need to have several supplies for taking care of your new puppy. At that time, you will find that you need to make sure that you have several supplies ready. You should have a place that the puppy can be during the day, where he can play, eat, and piddle, without a problem.

Young Puppies:

If you are taking care of a new puppy that has just been born and is still with the mother you need to have an environment where you can have the puppies where you can easily control the temperature, and you have to be sure that the puppies are warm. You also should provide a place that is safe for them so that they don't get hurt by accident. You will also need to make sure that the mother is comfortable with fresh drinking water at all times. Taking care of a new puppy at this stage must be carefully monitored to ensure that the mother does not accidentally trample on or suffocate her new puppies.

One of the best general puppy care tips in taking care of your new puppy is that you need to remember to socialize your puppy. No matter what kind of puppy you have, you will see that it is important you socialize them all of the time. Your puppy will be fine around anything you want, as long as you expose them to these things when they are young. This means that you have to let them be around children and babies and other animals to make sure that they are socialized but only when they reach about eight weeks old.

Safe And Healthy

When taking care of a new puppy there are many general puppy care tips that involve keeping your dog safe and healthy. You will need to take your puppy to the vets so that he or she can be checked over and weighed and given any appropriate medication. You will also be given advice on taking care of your new puppy with the type and amounts of food and exercise you should be giving to him or her. The vet will also advise you when its vaccinations, worming and flea treatments are due.

One of the best general puppy care tips that you can get is to make sure that your puppy has the proper amount of love. It might sound silly, but a puppy needs love to thrive on more than anything. You have to be sure that you are always being kind and gentle with your puppy, because that is the best way to have your puppy grow into the dog you want him to be. Taking care of a new puppy is hard work and it will require commitment and training from you but the rewards of taking care of a new puppy far outweigh the work involved. You must remember that one day the little puppy will grow into a dog and will be relying on you for the next 10-15 years.