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Can Infants Health Problems Be Helped With Fish Oil?

27 18:25:01
I have recently received a few questions about the benefits of fish oil for infants. The questions probably arise from studies concerning a reduction of infant health problems that has been seen when the mother’s intake of omega-3 fatty acids and specifically DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is sufficient. It is always best to consult your doctor, but here are some of the standard recommendations.

The World Health Organization, as well as other major public health organizations, recommends breast milk only for the first six months of life. If breast-feeding is not possible, properly manufactured infant formulas are the best solution. Many brands are now fortified with DHA, which eliminates the need of fish oil for infants.

Most infant health problems are caused by poor nutrition, either the mother’s low nutrient intake during pregnancy or insubstantial nutrient intake during the first year of life. If Mom is getting all of the nutrition that she needs, then her breast milk will contain everything that baby needs. If Mom’s nutrient intake is low, a couple of things can happen.

First of all, Mom’s blood levels of DHA are extremely low right before and after delivery. Nutrients necessary for normal brain development are being funneled to the baby. After delivery, while breastfeeding, the baby’s needs will come first. So, it is easy for mom to suffer from symptoms associated with poor nutrition, one of the most common is post-partum depression.

One of the most common infant health problems (affecting one in five babies in developing countries) caused by inadequate nutrient intake during pregnancy is low birth weight. In industrialized nations, the problem is less common, but not unheard of, particularly when prenatal care or advice is not followed. Most obstetricians, midwives and nurse practitioners prescribe prenatal vitamins. Many have started recommending omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, as well.

So, while no one is recommending omega-3 fish oil for infants, they are recommended the supplement for pregnant and lactating women. Research has shown that good omega-3 intake during pregnancy and while breastfeeding helps prevent a number of child and infant health problems, including:
�Poor vision
�Low birth weight
�Attention deficit disorders
�Learning and behavioral problems

Pediatricians do not usually recommend fish oil for infants, because it is unnecessary. But, after the first year, nutritional supplements are often recommended. If you are concerned about your child’s nutrient intake, consult your pediatrician. If you are pregnant or nursing and you are concerned about infant health problems that arise from poor nutrition, you might consider an omega-3 supplement. Just be sure to choose a good one.

There are concerns about contamination and oxidation. Some manufacturers carefully address those concerns, either by having the natural triglycerides evaluated for purity or by using good purification methods, such as molecular distillation.
Check for a Certificate of Analysis to be sure.

If you still have questions about fish oil for infants, please consult your healthcare professional. Good nutrition in early life creates a good foundation for health in the future.

And now please visit the XtendFishOil website listed below for updated information on fish oil for infants.