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Scottish Deerhounds: A guide to dogs and puppies of the Scottish Deerhound breed

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The Scottish Deerhound!

The Scottish Deerhound is comparable to the Greyhound dog. The former, however, has bigger bones and is relatively larger in size. The head of this breed is long and proportionate to its body. Its eyes are usually of a chestnut or hazelnut shade while the nose is commonly dark in color. The Scottish Deerhound’s ears become half-perked when it gets excited; otherwise, it lies flat on its head. It also has teeth that form a level bite, a strong, deep chest and a tail that nearly reaches the ground. The Scottish Deerhound has a rough and shaggy coat that is 3 to 4 inches long that can adapt to almost any kind of weather condition. The coat also keeps the dog clean despite dirty environments.

Some Quick Facts:

Life Expectancy:
8-10 years

Energy Level:
Gentle and laid-back.

Living Conditions:
Large spaces; not well suited for apartment life


Exercise Needs:
Daily 20 minute run and yard play.

Breed Group:


28 to 32 inches

75 to 110 pounds

Standard Hair Colors:
Blue gray, fawn and brindle colors; sometimes mixed.

National breed club:
Scottish Deerhound Club of America

Scottish Deerhound Skills

During the Middle Ages, Scottish chieftains trained the Scottish Deerhound to become a deer hunting dog, thus developing its size and strength. It also developed a rough protective coat in order to combat the harsh weather conditions in the mountains. Because of its extraordinary capabilities, the Scottish Deerhound was once regarded as the royal dog of Scotland, being the preferred breed of Scottish nobles. The Earl was the lowest rank permitted to have such a dog. Today, the Scottish Deerhound, known for its keen sense of smell, is regarded for its many talents like hunting, sighting, tracking and racing.

Scottish Deerhound Personality

The Scottish Deerhound’s temperament matches its dignified appearance – it is a very gentle and laid-back breed that loves to run around and play. While it is very loving and devoted to its owner and family, they are not ideal guard or watchdogs, because they tend to be too love just about anyone. However, they should not be left alone with non-canine pets, because of its innate hunting instincts.

Exercise Needs

Since the Scottish Deerhound is an active breed, it requires a great amount of exercise. It should be allowed to roam around a vast secured area because they love to run and chase. When properly trained, they can be excellent jogging companions.

Living Conditions

The Scottish Deerhound is not advisable for people who have small living quarters, as the breed requires a large area for it to move around. The area must also have high fences, as the Scottish deerhound can easily jump over a six-foot fence.

Grooming Requirements

The Scottish Deerhound’s shaggy coat needs weekly combing. The excess hair on its ears and toes also need to be trimmed and/or stripped periodically. Stray hairs, on the other hand, should be cut or plucked at least twice yearly.

Health Issues

The Scottish Deerhound is prone to bloat and should be given two to three small meals a day instead of one big meal.

If you liked this dog…

You may also take a liking to the Siberian Husky. While this breed also has innate hunting skills, they can be very cheerful and playful, especially toward the owner and its family. They are also extremely intelligent and can make a good jogging companion. Another very similar dog is the Greyhound.