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Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers: A guide to dogs and puppies of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier breed

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The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier!

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, also known as the Wheaten Terrier or Wheaten, has a boxy appearance, with its short but tough muzzle and overall squared proportions, and an upright tail. One can tell it apart from other terrier breeds by its soft, thick, slightly wavy, and silky coat. The Wheaten puppy is born with a dark coat that lightens, as it grows older.

Some Quick Facts:

Life Expectancy:
12-14 years

Energy Level:
Average, though very playful.

Living Conditions:
Ideal for apartments; not tolerant of heat


Exercise Needs:
Moderate, daily 30 minute walk or yard play.

Breed Group:


17 to 20 inches

30 to 35 pounds

Standard Hair Colors:
Varies from a light and golden wheaten to a rosy golden color.

National breed club:
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Skills

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier was earlier developed as a farm dog in Ireland, its state of origin; it was trained for herding livestock, chasing otters, badgers, rats and other vermin, and guarding the ranch. However, its skills have become limited throughout the years, though it remains a dependable companion, with its alertness and strong built. This breed is still known for its recurrent desire to chase and hunt, and is often kept out of dog exhibitions until its second year, when it reaches maturity.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Personality

The breed is known for its puppy-like nature even throughout adulthood. Its gentle, affectionate, pleasing, and playful nature makes it an enjoyable companion. The Wheaten is a loyal pet, having lived with people for centuries. It tends to move gracefully, and behaves well around children and other pets. It is unlikely to start scuffles with other dogs, though it may become overexcited at times.

Exercise Needs

Daily exercise at modest amounts is necessary for this athletic breed, though walks of moderate to long distances would suffice. Its combination of playfulness and obedience makes for a fun companion for outdoor recreation.

Living Conditions

The Wheaten is ideal for those living in an apartment, as it is able to obtain a good amount of exercise indoors or in a small yard. This breed, however, doesn’t respond well to heat. Though it can survive outdoors in moderate climates, life indoors (possibly with air conditioning) is most suitable.

Grooming Requirements

This breed’s thick, long coat needs frequent combing (as well as trimming and bathing every 6-8 weeks) to maintain its silky appearance and prevent dead hair from causing tangles. Trimming, however, should be done with scissors instead of clippers. Also, be sure to examine the ears, and carefully clean the area surrounding the eyes.

Health Issues

Protein wasting diseases, particularly those affecting the intestines and the kidneys, have been observed in this terrier breed. Flea allergies are also possible.

If you liked this dog…

If you liked the Wheaten Terrier but live in warmer areas, then you might also like the Irish terrier. It has a better tolerance for heat, though similar to the Wheaten in built, hunting ability, and playfulness.

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