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Adopting Puppies

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There comes a time in most people's lives when they decide they want to adopt a pet. There are a few tips and some advice to start out with when the decision is a new puppy. Understanding what is required from the beginning will make the process easier.

Evaluate the family situation first before deciding to adopt puppies. Knowing which breed will fit into the family and everyone's lifestyle will help in the final decision. Estimate the space for a puppy. Small dogs don't require as much room to roam or exercise and would be ideal for apartment dwellers. Larger dogs enjoy running and romping and would be better suited for a family with a large fenced yard or a lot of land.

When choosing to adopt puppies, spend time watching the puppies play with littermates and see how they react to play. Get down low on the puppies’ level and interact with them. Some puppies seem shy and avoid contact, which could indicate issues that could come up later or health problems. Other puppies might be overly aggressive and growl and bite at an extended hand. Make sure the puppy that is chosen seems healthy and sociable. They should have pink gums and a wet nose as well as clear bright eyes. If they seem listless or show any signs of illness or trouble with coordination or walking, there could be trouble.

The first few days after you adopt puppies can be overwhelming. The changes in the puppy's life can be stressful for it and the new changes in the house can be stressful for the family. Let puppies rest and sleep as much as they want, they are like any other baby and require a lot of sleep. Although, it won't feel like that in the middle of the night when they wake-up and need to go outside. Plan on a few nights of waking up more than once when a puppy comes home. Play with the puppy when it is in a playful mood, but don't over stimulate the puppy. Begin house training immediately, taking the puppy outside frequently for bathroom breaks.

Have safe, appropriate toys for puppies to chew on, and start them on a feeding schedule from the first day to get them on a routine. Don't allow puppies to chew or eat anything that is harmful for them and read the serving amounts suggested with the puppy food to know they are getting the right amount of food. Starting a routine for the puppy will help it to grow into a well-balanced healthy adult dog.

Make an appointment to take the puppy to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Having a new puppy checked for any issues is important. They will begin getting their vaccinations and will visit the veterinarian often until they have had all their shots. Choosing to adopt puppies can require a lot of work, and there is a little expense involved in the beginning, but the love they give in return is the greatest reward.