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5 Signs You Should Have Pets Instead of Children

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5 Signs You Should Have Pets Instead of Children

5 Signs You Should Have Pets Instead of Children


Parenthood is not for everyone. At least not in the traditional sense.

As the global population balloons well beyond 7.3 billion and counting, some young adults in the U.S. are rethinking – or at least putting off – having children. Birthrates among American twentysomethings have declined steadily in recent years, with rising student loan debt and child-rearing costs considered primary catalysts of this trend.

In some respects, though, these young folks have simply traded in or delayed traditional parenthood in favor of pet parenthood. Ownership of dogs and cats among members of the Millennial Generation – those born between 1980 and 2000 – continues to rise, as more than one-in-three young adults now sports a four-legged friend, making Millennials among the largest U.S. pet-owning populations.

Clearly, some young adults prefer walk time and cleaning litter boxes to tummy time and changing diapers – at least for now. But how can you tell if you’re better suited to raise fur babies rather than human babies at this juncture of your life? Here’s our five signs that you should have pets instead of children: