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How To Train Your Dog Like A Professional Trainer

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Have you always wanted to train your dog but could not afford a professional trainer? Although professional dog trainers have their merits and are certainly highly skilled, it is just as possible to train your dog at home to a standard that is just as good as the experts do it. The plethora of books, ebooks and websites dedicated to dog training make it easy and affordable to train your dog just like a professional trainer.

There are many reasons why people want to train their dogs. Mainly it is for obedience; in order to have a well behaved dog that can follow basic orders. Other types of dog training include agility training and house training. Whichever training type you are undertaking, the fundamentals are the same and the basic underlying approach is similar.

The training methods that professionals use can vary but most now swear by positive reinforcement. This is where the dog is rewarded for performing the desired behavior. The reward is usually food but some dogs are not always interested in food rewards. In these cases, toys and play can be a suitable reward. Punishment of any type should not be used when training your dog. Dogs do not understand punishment and it is also a cruel practice.

Common commands taught to a dog include:

These five commands are a great place to start with obedience training and will have your dog behaving appropriately as you want them to.

Consistency is a real key to dog training. Professional trainers are always consistent in the way they do their exercises and training. Dogs love a routine so by sticking to one you increase the chances that the dog falls into an appropriate behavior and training pattern. You should also aim to be consistent in the timing of your training sessions. Doing it at the same time of the day is a great way for your dog to expect the training and as such even look forward to it.

There are many videos and DVDs available that can instruct you on how to train your dog properly. These videos show practical steps and exercises on real dogs that you can emulate. Looks for these videos online or in your local pet stores.

Once you know how to train your dog like a professional you can save money and time as well as form a stronger bond to your best friend; your pet dog.