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Why Puppy Food Is Different From Dog Food

27 13:44:20
In order for puppies to grow healthily into adults, they need to have good nutrition for their diets. This is very important because they are experiencing accelerated growth stages for the first 15 months of their lives. Hence, feeding your puppy high quality dog food is very crucial for his development into an adult dog.

For instance, puppies need much more protein than their adult counterparts. This is because as puppies, they are still experiencing growth of their joints, bones, and muscles. In addition, puppies need more energy than adult dogs. So you can see why they need dog foods that can provide them with good nutrition and high calorie.

If you go and shop for puppy foods, you will notice that there are quite a number of them to choose from. The different types of puppy foods exist because different breeds of puppies require different diets. Take the little breed puppies for instance. Their metabolism level is high and therefore need dog foods that are calorie-rich. Bigger dog breeds, on the hand, do not require their diets to be as calorie-rich as these little breeds.

When feeding, try to feed according to your veterinarian's suggested guidelines, or those set out on the label of the dog food bag.

Typically, puppies are fed three times daily. After they reach the age of four, the daily feedings decrease to two times daily.

Failure to give your puppy the appropriate puppy food at the appropriate time can damage his health. If your puppy gets tired easily and does not seem to have any energy, check the puppy food he is eating. If he catches diarrhea, verify how many feedings would be best for him.

A dog that is fed properly is frisky, playful and happy. You are happy to see your dog so happy so it is a lovely circle.

Feeding will depend on the breed and size of your dog so be sure to check with your vet before starting a good feeding program. If you find a dog food that you like, check the label for feeding instructions.

Finally, you must review if your feeding program brings good results for your puppy. If the results are poor or not what you expect them to be, you could start a new feeding campaign or you could discuss with your veterinarian and see if he has a better feeding program. Since your puppy is still at his tender years, it is the best time to begin a good feeding program for him so that he grows into a healthy adult dog.