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Dog Toys

27 13:37:09
Kinds of Dog Toys

There are all types of dog toys on the market today that are for different breeds. New pet owners may be wondering, 'What can my dog play with?' Manufacturers have developed certain dog toys that promote your pet's health and your relationship.

Tug dog toys allow you to play with your dog one on one. Tug toys are found in a variety of sizes, colors, and types. Tug toys have been upgraded so that they can be tugged on and thrown. The manufacturers have accomplished this by attaching a ball to a rope which is attached to the toy itself. Tugging is such a natural function that dogs love it when you participate in it with them. You become the pack leader as this is one of the top bonding toys in the stores.

Cotton ropes are another favorite among different breeds. Manufacturers have designed a toy that doubles as a toy and cleans your dog teeth as well. Dogs also love to play tug a war with these. The cotton rope dog toys come in a variety of colors and sizes to fit your specific breed. Some, if not all dogs, want your attention. This is just another dog toy that will leave you both laughing and feeling exhausted!

Fleece and plush dog toys provide dogs long periods of fun. Plush toys come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes. I'm sure you have seen the commercial with the dachshund toting the long skinny dog toy. This is just one example of the shapes plush toys come in. There are also fleece dog toys that talk. These toys may have squeakers in them which most dogs will make it a point to get them out. Fleece and plush animals provide hours of fun and a testing challenged if your dog is willing to take it on.

If you are still unsure what type of dog toys you should be buying for your dog, then ask a pet store's associates. Of course, they will be happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. Happy dog toy hunting.