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Taking Care of your Dogs Bones and Muscles

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Most of us don't realize that dogs also suffer from the same illnesses as humans, especially when it comes to diseases of the bones and muscles. As a dog owner, it's your responsibility to make sure they grow up strong and health. Below are a few care tips for your dog's bones and muscles.


One of the most important things a doggy needs to stay healthy is exercise. There is a significant difference between city dogs and dogs that live in the suburbs or areas where they can run around and play when it comes to muscle and bones density. A few minutes of exercise a day can help your doggy built up strong bones and muscles. Make it a point to take your dogs out for a 30 to 40 minute walk every day for exercise. It also helps avoid nerve illnesses like DM in dogs in the future.



Food is important, and giving your doggy the right type of food is crucial for a healthy life. To make it easier, give your dog processes, ready-made dog food that your veterinarian recommended. You can also choose a brand that offers products that cater to the dog's age. For example, puppies need more nutrients, so the best way to keep them well fed and healthy is to give them a starter kit. Older dogs will need fiber, so give them dog food that contains a high source of fiber.


Not all dog owners would give their dogs vitamins. In fact, some vets would just tell dog owners that it's just a choice. But giving your dogs vitamins is actually a very important part of their development, especially when it comes to puppies. You can just purchase any vitamin brand at any pet shop, but make sure you have your vet's approval.

Regular check ups

Dog owners would take their dogs once or twice a year to the vet, not realizing that regular check-ups are vital for a dog's health. Make sure you take your dogs to the vet once twice every two months just to give it an all-out medical check. Have them check of any medical problems that affect the bones and muscles, and even illnesses like DM in dogs that could still affect their muscles and bones. It's better to detect your dog's illnesses while it can still be cured or lessens.