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Why I Love Boxer Dogs

27 13:36:40
Boxer dogs are undoubtedly famous. Proof of that fame is their standing on the 2007 American Kennel Statistics (AKC) in which they placed sixth as the most popular breed of dog in the United States.

A lot of people opt for Boxer dogs because of the many remarkable characteristics they possess. I particularly love the breed because of its versatility - a friendly yet brave breed ideal for most families. This breed is guaranteed to show you great love and loyalty and will definitely protect you from what he perceive as danger. You do not have to worry much about the safety of the kids for these dogs are playful, friendly even to strangers and can tolerate the innocent deeds of young ones. Though they may tend to be strong-willed at times, that doesn't change what I feel for them. They just have to be trained properly in order to keep their intelligent minds working and make use of their oozing energy.

Good temperament is not the only factor that made this breed champion in my heart. In addition to being really brave and good, the appearance somehow tells more about this breed. The body is strong and muscular with short coat that shed and needs grooming. Grooming boxer dogs is not a big fuss for they naturally enjoy being clean and besides, grooming is an ideal time for you and your pet to bond. Your dog will feel your love and care when you touch or rub him during grooming.

The most distinctive feature of boxer dogs is the head, with the muzzle which is proportioned to the skull has folds from the root of the nose running downwards on both sides. A boxer with cropped ears is not different from a boxer with natural ears in terms of bravery, strength or friendliness. If you prefer the natural ears, you can leave it that way.

There are lots of beautiful things this breed possess. I may have failed to know all those beautiful things but what I discovered and experienced is enough to make me love this breed, not just as an ordinary pet but more like a member of my happy family. Some may know more than I know boxer dogs but that will never stop me from sharing to others how great these dogs are.