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Prevent Heartworms In Dogs

26 14:09:43

Prevent Heartworms In Dogs


Canines are affected everyday with heartworm disease and if not treated properly can be deadly. The disease spreads rapidly by mosquitoes. When this insect bites an infected dog, it then becomes a carrier that deposits the illness when biting another one. Undeveloped heartworms are sent to the bloodstream where they await another mosquito to carry forth this disease. Undeveloped heartworms go out into the bloodstream where they await another mosquito to pick them up. There are numerous ways to prevent this problem and keep your pet in good physical shape. Daily exercise and routine bathroom needs expose them to nature's elements.

Canines are nosy and playful, but should be kept away from stray or wild animals. At some point the canine will be exposed to fresh air for exercise or using the bathroom. It is important to avoid contact between your pooch and stray or wild animals. Many dog parks that are not properly cared for become a breeding ground for heartworms. Intestinal parasites are commonly passed on in this manner. Some dogs will eat their own feces or that of another animal. These injections should be given on a specific day every month during mosquito breeding season.

The vaccine destroys heartworm larvae prior to full maturity. It needs to be administered on the same day each month during mosquito breeding season. This destroys the heartworm larvae, preventing them from maturing. Never purchase them from an online pet supplier promising cheaper prices, ensure your canine receives the correct kind and dosage. Monthly heartworm prevention has other benefits such as killing intestinal parasites and flea eggs. Dogs will also benefit from monthly heartworm medication through the added prevention of parasites and flea eggs.

Having your dog tested for heartworms prior to starting any preventative treatment could mean the difference between life and death. A veterinarian will take a few drops of blood and test it in the office or send it off to a lab. This disease is only detectable after 6 months of exposure; therefore puppies will not be examined. Veterinarians may want your canine tested each year depending on where you reside.

People that live around the Atlantic and Pacific oceans should follow this advice due to the high volume of mosquitoes. Treatment is expensive and not always effective if the disease has spread beyond help. Preventative steps will help your dog live a long and healthy life.