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A Simple Guide To Dog Obedience

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A Simple Guide To Dog Obedience


We all desire an obedient dog, but training this obedience can be easier said than done, particularly if we have no knowledge in the subject. Everyone has seen the old fashioned type training that can be quite hard on dogs. For instance, rubbing a dog's nose in its mess to try and teach it a lesson. Inflicting punishments such as these on your dog is not likely to lead to positive results. Old school style training, however, need not be the only possible way of training obedience in your dog - you can do in a much more friendly way. The following is a guide to getting the best in obedience from your dog.
Respecting your dog is a very important part of training them in obedience. The best way to get your dog to listen to you is to build up a relationship with each other based on respect. The best way to do this is through a system of rewards for good behaviour, rather than punishments for bad behaviour. In doing this you can build up good habits in your dog, while simultaneously avoiding the negative effects of punishment. Utilizing a system of rewards and respect can really make your dog a man's best friend!
Routine is crucial when it comes to training your dog. The best way for your dog to learn a new routine is to do it over and over again. This is particularly important when toilet training your dog. Punishments will not be effective - instead, simply put the dog outside each time they make a mess. This will build up a response where going outside is a natural part of going to the toilet. The quickest way to upset a dog is to change its routine. The best way to make sure your dog learns the obedience you are teaching is to maintain the same routine until it sinks in. Altering your teaching method is only likely to confuse the dog and make them forget everything.
It is well established that dogs can tell the emotions of the people around them. Your dog will be able to see if you are happy with it or not. As such, it is crucial that you try to maintain a positive attitude regarding training your dog the whole time you are doing it. If you are positive and optimistic about something, the dog is much more likely to take on the same mood. It is important to avoid being negative - it is sure to mean a dog less eager to learn.
For all this, there is still room for penalties. While it is true that overly harsh punishments are counterproductive, certain penalties can work. Hitting your dog is never worthwhile, but asserting control can be. Take control and do not allow your dog to take over. This will make sure your dog does not get too cheeky and remembers just who is in charge here!
These tips should help you get the most out of your relationship with your pet.