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Dog Behavior Training Hawaii - How It Can Help You?

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Do you have dogs at home? Are they showing unwanted behaviors? Jumping up on guests, climbing on furniture, chewing things like shoes or other things they shouldn't, can become a real problem if they are not corrected.

Dogs are like individuals. They have genetics and experiences that may shape their personality, how they behave and how they interact with other animals and people. Whatever their unwanted behaviors are, dog behavior training Hawaii can work with you to eliminate those and to teach your dog preferred behaviors. From there, your dogs can be great as you wanted them to be.

Tips on dealing with dog unwanted behaviors

To those who are new to dog ownership, dealing with dogs that have annoying behaviors can be tough especially if you do not know what triggers such action. However, with proper dog behavior training, you can deal with them. Here are some common things that dogs do and how you can address them:


Barking- Dogs normally bark, howl and whine but excessive barking may be considered as an issue already. However, it is not advisable to correct your dog's barking. Instead, try figuring out why your canine friend is doing so. He or she might be -playing, feeling excited or being watchful, anxious, bored, responding to other dogs or just seeking your attention.

Masticating, Chewing- It can be very irritating when your dogs are chewing your things up. However, dog behavior training Hawaii does not advice you to punish them. They may have growing teeth (puppies) or feeling bored or curious. The best thing you can do is to divert their attention with a sharp noise whenever they do so and replace the object they are chewing with a toy.

Digging- Many dogs dig because of their hunting instinct, need to bury food for storage, or even a desire to den. Regardless of the reason your dog is digging, teaching him the behavior is undesirable may take time and patience. One of the most effective ways to do this is to spend time in your yard with your dog and redirect him with steady leash guidance couple with a know command. Some folks will use a loud voice correction, water spray bottles or shake a bottle filled with rocks. The intention behind these approaches, are to regain the dogs attention during the act of digging or unwanted behaviors. The dog in theory learns to associate the negative consequence with the act of digging and realize if they don't want to get sprayed, they shouldn't dig.

Chasing- Seeing your dogs chasing people can be alarming not only to you but more so on the person he chases. Training your dog to sit, stay, lay, come on demand takes patience, but the more verbal control you have over your dog can help you avoid such situations. Moreover, if your pet is not yet accustomed in meeting people or seeing them run, use training age appropriate progressions in order to generate success in public places until you have him well-trained and behaved. Always start at a distance from areas you know make your dog reactive and as they demonstrate an ability to refocus on you then reduce the gap progressively. Always do your best to end on a successful outcome verses "turn and burn."

Just like human beings, each breed of dog possesses unique characteristics and behaviors we may not desire. With proper training, such behavior can be transformed. However, if you cannot do it in your own, consulting with a professional dog trainer Behaviorist in Hawaii can be a great option.