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How Poodle Training Can Avoid You Getting Into Trouble

27 13:47:16
Believe it or not, but your precious poodle puppy may be a lawsuit waiting to happen if you don't provide him with the necessary training. There isn't much that people won't sue for these days. The tiniest offence could mean a trip to a courtroom. Therefore, you need to make sure that you train all aggression out of your dog and make sure that your poodle is under your control. Large or small, all poodles need proper socialization and obedience training.

Socialization - Whether or not you adopt a puppy or rescue an older dog, it is imperative that you socialize your poodle with family, friends and relatives. Take your dog with you to as many places as you can so they become familiar with human and fellow dog interaction. When you make socialization a pleasant experience, your dog will grow friendly to others, and be less overbearing when it comes to you.

Also, don't forget to familiarize your poodle with those who frequent your home on a regular basis such as the mail man, newspaper deliverer, etc. Dogs generally love to growl and bark at these delivery personnel. Therefore, take the time to introduce these individuals to your dog and allow social interaction. It may even be useful to allow them to give the dog a treat to create a positive experience the dog will remember.

The last thing you want is to raise a poodle that spends most of his/her time alone. In addition, it is important that you teach children how to properly interact with the dog so that they aren't cruel or tease the animal. This negative socialization is what creates a fearful, nervous and aggressive pet, which can lead to nipping, biting, growling and many other unpleasant behaviors resulting in lawsuits.

Training - Your poodle needs discipline and must know that you are the head of the pack. When it is made clear to the dog that your desires come before their's, they will know their place and will listen to you. Dogs that lack discipline live by their own rules based on their natural instincts. Thus, it is vital that you don't let your dog get away with any behavior you deem unacceptable - not even one time!

Make sure your dog knows the four basic commands -

1. Come - Your dog should come to you regardless of what he/she is doing as soon as you give the command.
2. Stay - Your dog should not move from his spot once given the command regardless if he/she is right in front of you or 5 feet

3. Down - When given the command your dog should immediately lie down.
4. Off - When given this command your dog should stop jumping up on others.

In order for your dog to learn control, you need to be a good teacher. Thus, the best way to teach your dog obedience is by taking him to professional obedience classes where you can learn from those with experience.

Finally, make sure your dog is on a leash at all times when in public areas. You should also ensure that your yard is securely fenced in to lower the risk of your dog roaming free and running into strangers.

Keep in mind that just because you love your poodle, doesn't mean that everyone you meet will be a dog lover. Many people are afraid and/or dislike dogs, and you should be mindful of this when taking your poodle into public. Remember, obedience training and proper socialization are key if you want to keep your dog out of trouble and you out of a courtroom.