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Cocker Spaniel Breed Information

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Because of its incredibly charming and sensitive nature the cocker spaniel has enjoyed widespread popularity for countless decades. The cocker spaniel is a primarily companion breed however they remained a very capable for dog for those that wish to train them. Gorgeous to look at and very labor intensive to groom a cocker spaniels very cheerful disposition make them a great addition. They are just as happy to snuggle on the couch with an adult then they are to be outside playing with the kids.


This is the smallest member of the AKCs sporting group. For several decades in the early 1900s the cocker spaniel was the number one registered dog breed for this dog organization. The popularity of this breed died for about 30 years but shot up again during the 1990s. A cocker spaniel continues to be among the top 15 registered breeds for the American kennel club. The cocker spaniel is a very well bred and gentle dog that is known for a very even keel temperament. The following code is extremely pretty to look at and with them being very loving and gentle makes them the perfect fit for any family.


Compared to other dogs that are in the sporting group the cocker spaniel we'll comfortably fit into a small living space. They are primarily companion dogs however they are excellent with fieldwork as long as they're properly trained. They also make excellent therapy dogs. The typical cocker spaniel is a gentle and loving family companion that is excellent with children in addition to other pets an older people.

General Care

The cocker spaniel is very well suited to live in just about any living situation so if you want a dog but don't have a lot of room for them to run this might be an ideal breed for you to look into. Even if you don't have a lot of room for your cocker spaniel you should definitely make sure you take them for a walk to keep them healthy. Despite their gentle looks and temperament they're actually an excellent hunting dog who do well in agility, fly ball and other obedience type competitions.