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Basic Obedience Training For Your Weimaraner

27 13:41:33
Coined as "dog with a human brain", a Weimaraner is a powerful and highly intelligent dog. But despite the intelligence, a Weimaraner must undergo basic obedience training to make him pleasant to be around and to ensure his safety as well as the safety of other people and pets around him. Dogs do not figure out basic commands on their own, that is why obedience training is necessary.

Come command
Begin the training indoors to prevent the dog from being distracted. Training this command is easier when your dog is on leash. Say your pet's name firmly to get his attention and slowly pull the dog toward you. Give the command "come" as he begins to come forward and praise him when he is right in front of you. Repeat the process until such time that he has mastered the command and responds to it quickly. Gradually increase the distance between you and your dog then try the command later without leash in an enclosed place.

Sit Command
When you are with your young pup and you see him about sit or in the act of sitting, give the command "sit". Reward him with praise or treat as soon as his rear end touches the floor. Another technique of teaching the sit command is to hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and move it upward. His head will move o follow the smell in your hand therefore pushing his rear to the floor. Issue the command "sit" as soon as your dog begins to sit. Praise him and give him the treat.

Down Command
Start the training with your dog in the sit position. Hold his collar firmly with your one hand and have a treat on the other hand. Let him smell the treat. Slowly move the treat from your dog's nose to the floor. He will naturally lower himself to follow your hand with the treat. Issue the command "down" as he approaches the floor. Praise him and give him the treat.

Stay Command
Put your dog in a down or sit position. Step in front of him, use your flattened palm as a signal and issue the command "stay". Look him in the eye while giving the command. Slowly back away and if the dog begins to follow you, come back to the dog and give him the down or sit command again. Repeat the process until the dog can reliably stay where you want him to stay. Avoid using food as a reward in training this command because he may become too excited making him unable to stay.