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Information That Can Help You Train Your Dog

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Make sure you're the one walking the dog and that it's not the other way around. This article contains the critical knowledge you need for training your dog.

Is your dog getting its ideal diet? Dogs can suffer from behavioral issues when their regular diet isn't meeting their needs. Think about changing up your pet's diet to give them the nutrients they need. Your vet is an excellent source of information on the appropriate diet and nutritional requirements of your dog.

Training methods must be customized to suit the individual dog. If a food treat is not appealing to your dog, then it is important to find something else that captures his interest so he is motivated to perform well. If giving treats does work for your dog, you are going to be able to use that in many situations.

Choosing the correct crate size is extremely important. As your dog gets older, he will probably grow larger. Choose a crate which will be suitable for the puppy when he matures into an adult. The dog will need sufficient room to rest and turn around without feeling cramped.

When house training your dog, keep in mind that whatever you feed him must come out. To ensure that your dog's bowel movements remain regular, feed him or her some high-quality food a minimum of twice per day during the same times daily. That way, you'll know when you need to take your doggie out to "go".

If you are consistent, you will be able to teach your furry friend to wait. If at home, be sure to spend some time with him and bring him outside every 50 minutes. Praise lavishly for pooping and peeing outdoors. Never scold your dog for going in the house. He doesn't know any better and yelling at him will not help him learn. Make a habit of walking him around fifteen minutes after eating or drinking anything, and after coming out of his dog crate.

Many people find that a homemade rattle makes a very effective training tool. Place a couple coins within an empty can of soda, and then seal it. If your dog performs an unwanted behavior, shake the can. It will startle him and it will halt his behavior. After using this method several times, your pet will begin to realize you find his behavior unacceptable. Don't shake the can more than once. Doing it multiple times can defeat the purpose.

Always train your dog with positive reinforcement. Remember to show your dog positive attention when they do something good as often as you can. You should not strike your dog or scream at them. Your dog will not respond well to these methods and will not understand what you want them to do. If you want good results, you must be positive, consistent and firm as you train your dog.

Now that you've got a good idea on how to train your dog, you need to put the advice given into action. Keep your patience strong, and give your dog positive reinforcement for the behaviors you want. It won't be an overnight success story, but with time you both will be much happier.