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Easy Tips On Dog Care To Keep Your Pet In Good Health

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Dogs can be great fun in the house if he is healthy and efficient. To make your pet an adorable companion is totally in your hands. Dog care is important and you need to learn about the different ways in which you can do it. The care to be taken will vary to a certain extent with the breed of the pet that you have. It is also necessary to maintain a routine along with a visit to the vet. Dog care includes dog training too.

Giving the dog a bath is a significant part of grooming. To remove any infection or body odor, a good bath provides remedy. Most dogs dislike bathing so you have to take steps to prevent unnecessary trouble. If your pet is a big one then try to select a special secluded place for the bath .Once wet they have a propensity to shake off the water from their body thus making you and the entire place wet.

Always consult the vet before you buy the cleaning products for your dog. Try to avoid strong smelling shampoos because dogs usually do not like them and you will find it difficult to give him a bath. Entice him with some treat so that he agrees for a bath. Citrus aromas are good to treat fleas. Dry him with a towel and allow him to run free so that he dries himself up faster.

While you give him a bath check his ears for infection. The ears are the fond places for bacteria and other worms to breed. Usually the dogs with long ears have more ear infection because their ears are always covered and the ear canals are less exposed to air. There are different types of medicines available for the purpose. Do consult a vet for the most suitable one for your pet. Not all dogs have ear problems but those which do may have to be treated at least on a weekly basis. With the right equipments and medicines the cleaning can be done efficiently. If you find it difficult, take professional help instead if creating a trauma for your dog.

Another important step in dog care is brushing .The coat of your pet needs regular brushing. This keeps it glossy and healthy. This part of dog grooming is thoroughly enjoyed by dogs. Give him a good brushing everyday if your pet has long hair. This will prevent the hair from entangling. The messy coat is both uncomfortable for the dog and makes your pet most unappealing. No matter what, the frequency may be brushing is mandatory.

Trimming the nails is yet another vital aspect of dog care. Though they do not quite enjoy this stage of their grooming process it is again a must. Use the right tools for trimming. You may also use files for the purpose.

Taking the dog out for regular runs and exercises is also a part of dog care. Make sure that the quantity of food that you give him is prescribed by the vet.